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  1. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed questM05Toot is "started" when you leave Valhalla until you jump the gash

    Getting the letter. If you speak to Toot again after that it gives you the "You've learned everything I can teach you, Adventurer. Now get out there and make a name for yourself. Perhaps {my_name()}. That seems like a good name." and will do that repeatedly so I would say the final step is...
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed questM05Toot is "started" when you leave Valhalla until you jump the gash

    Thanks @gausie I've some changes to implement in autoscend before I start a new run (have an emotion chip to write support for now) but I should get it started "today" and can test this too.
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed questM05Toot is "started" when you leave Valhalla until you jump the gash

    As title. Entering Valhalla sets it to "unstarted", leaving sets it to "started". It never changes to "finished" regardless of how many times you speak to the Toot Oriole or the Council.
  4. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Buying/using stuff at the Getaway Campsite doesn't track inventory amounts correctly.

    Buying stuff at the campfire is now tracked correctly but using a burnt stick to draw on your tent still doesn't remove the burnt stick from inventory count (it's definitely gone in game, I checked with /count and manually looked in the misc section of inventory). r20653
  5. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Buying/using stuff at the Getaway Campsite doesn't track inventory amounts correctly.

    I see living in Scotland has had a positive effect on your vocabulary 😜 (for everyone else, "hingmy" is the Scottish equivalent of "wossname"). All jokes aside, cheers for the super fast fix. I'll give it a test in my next run (which will be sometime on Monday in KoL once my current run has...
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Buying/using stuff at the Getaway Campsite doesn't track inventory amounts correctly.

    When I buy stuff from the campfire, the number of sticks of firewood doesn't appear to go down. I just started a new Normal Standard run, pulled a bundle of firewood (in the item manager storage tab) then used it (in the item manager recent tab) turn it into 10 sticks of firewood. I then bought...
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Feature Support commas in items in buy/buy from mall

    As suggested in the ASS Discord by @Rinn and @MCroft I can workaround the issue that caused this thread by doing "buy from mall [itemid]" (the square brackets are very much required there) which removes any ambiguity. I will fully admit I had no idea this functionality existed until now and am...
  8. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed trackVoteMonster still warns about wanderer timers in 2021 Standard

    @gausie fixed this in r20639 I haven't tested it myself yet but I would mark this as fixed now.
  9. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented August 2019 IotM - Getaway Campsite could do with spoilers for the choices.
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed trackVoteMonster still warns about wanderer timers in 2021 Standard

    Like most people I have trackVoteMonster set to "free". In 2021 Standard the Voting Booth is no longer available (doesn't exist in the right side of the tracks, /vote in chat doesn't work) so there's no way for me to get the sticker. However I'm still getting timers for voting wanderers and the...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed delay counting appears to get confused in some situations

    7 + 2 + 5 + 21 != 58 UNDYING! as Actually Ed appears to be counted as a turn_spent when it is in fact, not.
  12. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Ascension rewards

    Seeing this in CLI when choosing path & class in Valhall in r20613 Unknown item found: velour voulge (10114, 317819342) -------------------- 10114 velour voulge 317819342 vel_voulge.gif weapon 0 velour voulge 50 Mus: 0 1-handed polearm # Item velour voulge: Triples the effect of Snarl of the...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Crimbo 2020

    Could we have the entries in fullness.txt and inebrity.txt for stuffed red and green pepper and cranberry margarita removed please? If cranberry margarita (brackish) and stuffed red and green pepper (stale) are considered Unspaded, re-adding them as such would be most appreciated. Volc added...
  14. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Crimbo 2020

    Crimbo town has disappeared so the Crimbo Cafe consumables are no longer available for purchasing from it.
  15. Malibu Stacey

    New Content 2021 IotY - Fresh Coat of Paint

    -------------------- 10732 fresh coat of paint 640494952 freshcoat.gif shirt 0 fresh coat of paint 100 none # Item fresh coat of paint: Enchantments are different every day -------------------- -------------------- 10731 fresh can of paint 689133733 freshcan.gif...
  16. Malibu Stacey

    New Content January 2021 IotM - Miniature Crystal Ball

    -------------------- 10730 miniature crystal ball 320248255 famball.gif familiar 0 # Item miniature crystal ball: Randomly gives you either +50% Item Drops or +5 Stats After Combat<p>Shows which monster you will encounter next Item miniature crystal ball Initiative: +50...
  17. Malibu Stacey

    Abandoned Scripts

    Yep and it even attributed the commits to Bale as he has a GitHub account (which is where we forked the Raidlog parser from). It was an amazingly smooth process and I am very impressed at how little effort it required from me (literally just copy & paste the svn URL into the form & click the go...
  18. Malibu Stacey

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    FYI In r20585 when I click on "Open Forum Thread" in the scripts manager, it goes to rather than here. Haven't checked any earlier builds.
  19. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Crimbo 2020

    -------------------- 10668 tiny plastic Mirth 484775388 c20tp4.gif accessory t 0 tiny plastic Mirth 0 none Item tiny plastic Mirth Adventures: +3 -------------------- You acquire an item: tiny plastic Mirth place.php?whichplace=crimbo20&action=c20_secret9...
  20. Malibu Stacey

    Abandoned Scripts

    I can try migrating it from SVN to the Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society GitHub organisation and give access to anyone who wants to commit changes. We already forked Bale's raidlog parser there as Rinn had some fixes he wanted to make available (I had also forked Ezandora's scripts which...