Bug - Fixed delay counting appears to get confused in some situations

Malibu Stacey

Active member
I just started a new run and I notice that Guide thinks I've somehow burned 3 more turns of delay than I actually have at the Spooky Forest. Log from my first visit to the Spooky Forest is as follows:

[1] The Spooky Forest
Encounter: bar NAMED NEIL
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Round 1: Malibu Stacey casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence
Round 2: Trolliam says, "As Neil Young once said, 'It's better to burn out, than to fade away,'" and beats your opponent with outrageous burning for 12 damage.
Round 2: bar takes 12 damage.
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: You lose 14 hit points
Round 3: You lose 14 Mana Points
Round 3: Trolliam says, "As Neal Stephenson once said, 'The difference between stupid and intelligent people -- and this is true whether or not they are well-educated -- is that intelligent people can handle subtlety,'" and beats your opponent with outrageous subtlety for 15 damage.
Round 3: bar takes 15 damage.

use 1 genie bottle

[1] genie bottle

Took choice 1267/1: unknown
Encounter: ELDRITCH HORROR writing desk
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Round 1: Malibu Stacey casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence (2)
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: You lose 14 hit points
Round 3: You lose 14 Mana Points
Round 3: Malibu Stacey casts DIGITIZE!
Round 4: Malibu Stacey uses the LOV Enamorang and uses the Time-Spinner!
Round 5: writing desk drops 2 attack power.
Round 5: writing desk drops 2 defense.
Round 5: Malibu Stacey attacks!
Round 6: writing desk takes 137 damage.
Round 6: Malibu Stacey wins the fight!
You acquire an item: meadeorite
After Battle: Trolliam does the Harlem Shake, kind of. I mean it doesn't have quite the right anatomy for it but you guess that's what it's going for.
You acquire an item: inkwell
You acquire an item: snifter of thoroughly aged brandy
After Battle: Trolliam suddenly gets a wild look in its eyes. "I'm a' chargin' mah Kurtispj!" it shouts. "SHOOP DA WHOOP!"
You acquire an item: BACON
After Battle: You gain 26 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 79 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 34 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!

use 1 psychokinetic energy blob
You gain 21 Mana Points

use 1 psychokinetic energy blob
You gain 22 Mana Points
Source Terminal: extrude -f booze.ext
You acquire an item: hacked gibson

cast 1 Calculate the Universe
numberology 51
Encounter: War Frat 151st Infantryman WITH SCIENCE!
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Round 1: Malibu Stacey casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence (2)
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: You lose 14 hit points
Round 3: You lose 14 Mana Points
Round 3: You lose 26 hit points
Round 3: Malibu Stacey casts SCIENCE! FIGHT WITH MEDICINE!
Round 4: You gain 136 hit points
Round 4: Malibu Stacey casts DISINTEGRATE!
You acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow (100)
Round 5: Malibu Stacey wins the fight!
After Battle: Trolliam does a strange, angry-looking stompy sort of dance, while shouting "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS".
You acquire an item: distressed denim pants
You acquire an item: beer helmet
You acquire an item: bejeweled pledge pin
You acquire an item: bottle opener belt buckle
You acquire an item: perforated battle paddle
You acquire an item: keg shield
You acquire an item: beer bomb
You acquire an item: flask flops
After Battle: Trolliam says, "Did you know: Centrifugal force doesn't really exist! It's actually molecular vibration!"
You acquire an item: BACON
After Battle: You gain 48 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 144 Wizardliness
You gain some Mysticality points!
After Battle: You gain 36 Roguishness
You acquire an item: Nightmare Fuel
1 frat boy defeated; 1 down, 999 left.

No semirare found yet this     run.

Unexpired counters:
Semirare window begin (69)
Semirare     window end (79)
Enamorang Monster (14)
Digitize Monster (7)

So it should really be showing 4 turns still to burn but for some reason it's showing 1.

Something in that broke Digitize monster counting too. Counter is up, I adventured at the Spooky Forest & got this.
[9] The Spooky Forest
Encounter: spooky vampire AND TESLA!
Round 0:     Malibu Stacey loses initiative!
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point

The other 6 adventures between those pasted were in the Hidden Pantry to unlock the guild.
Last edited:
I'll test it next run. I've changed the order I do things at the start of my run to mitigate that exact scenario above but I noticed it happening last weekend in-run when I used my 2 remaining Time-spinner minutes to adventure way back in time. My last adventure at that point was the Castle Ground Floor & I should have had 4 adventures left there to unlock but after killing the Time-Spinner monsters, Guide was showing 2 left.
Looks good now.

[1] The Spooky Forest
Encounter: wolfman
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
wolfman banished by Spring-Loaded Front Bumper.
Using 1 genie bottle.

[1] genie summoned monster
Loading character status...
Encounter: writing desk
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Round 1: Malibu Stacey casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts DIGITIZE!
Round 3: Malibu Stacey uses the LOV Enamorang!
Round 4: Malibu Stacey attacks!
Round 5: writing desk takes 309 damage.
Round 5: Malibu Stacey wins the fight!
You acquire an item: disintegrating quill pen
You acquire an item: inkwell
You acquire an item: snifter of thoroughly aged brandy
After Battle: You gain 14 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 15 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 49 Chutzpah
You can now equip a eldritch hat (and possibly other things).
You gain a Moxie point!

No semirare found yet this run.

Unexpired counters:
Semirare window begin (70)
Semirare window end (80)
Enamorang Monster (15)

> ash to_location("The Spooky Forest").turns_spent

Returned: 1

I saw from the changelog that Time-Spinner fights should also be similarly fixed so if I run into this anywhere else I'll raise a new issue.

Thanks Darzil.
This looks broken again. I'll get a proper log showing exactly what happens next run.
The short version is, I ran 9 Sausage Goblin fights in a row in The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob at the start of the run (1 regular + 8 Pocket Professor copies) then started autoscend.
It used Numberology to Yellow Ray the War Frat 151st Infantryman which apparently counted towards the turns_spent in The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob as it then decided to grab the encryption key (because turns_spent >= 10) which actually resulted in a combat against Knob Goblin Assistant Chef.

I think the issue lies here

cast 1 Calculate the Universe
[8] numberology 51
Preference lastEncounter changed from Setup your knock-off retro superhero cape to War Frat 151st Infantryman
Encounter: War Frat 151st Infantryman
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20201216225615 to 20201216230057
Round 0: Player Two wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 4 hit points
Round 1: Your opponent gets his arm stuck in Gronald, which dissolves it down to the bone. Your foe is somewhat weaker now, but on the bright side, sweet skeleton arm, dude.
Round 1: War Frat 151st Infantryman drops 25 attack power.
Round 1: War Frat 151st Infantryman drops 25 defense.
Preference nextAdventure changed from Noob Cave to The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Preference _universeCalculated changed from 0 to 1
Round 1: Player Two casts UNLEASH THE DEVIL'S KISS!
You acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow (99)
Round 2: Player Two wins the fight!

note the line where the nextAdventure pref changes during the combat.