Search results

  1. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    can_interact() returns true when you've broken ronin. Yes that is approximately the same thing but I want to know if the user is in a Casual ascension so I can have autoscend autosell all their items and abort warn them that they're in unsupported territory. Since in_hardcore() exists and...
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    It's eminently possible that Cheesecookie had some sort of wrapper he used to call cc_ascend which set it by parsing api.php which he never made public but cc_ascend's source calls get_property on it and expects it to be set to the return value of my_ascensions(). If it has never existed and is...
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    As title. It's just gone, doesn't even list at all in prefref. If it's been deprecated I can't find anything in ashref that would replace it. See below.
  4. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    Honestly I think this is the correct solution. Git/Hub isn't going to go away, if anything fewer scripts are likely to be hosted in SVN rather than Git over time and if having a Git native library handle scripts hosted in Git repositories makes life easier for everyone it sounds like the best...
  5. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier Maximizer removing shirts and not taking them into account

    I suspect this is caused by his old version not knowing the G was dropped from Torso Awaregness and assuming he can't equip shirts without the skill.
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    All Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society scripts are in their own repos. We have a team (the aforementioned Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society) but the team itself has multiple public repos. See That is not what happened. I merged...
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed get_campground() contains previous and current garden seed packets

    Thanks @gausie. I'll give it a test after rollover when I log in on my main account. Much appreciated.
  8. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia doesn't think I have Map The Monsters skill

    FYI that isn't a mafia thing. Vanilla KoL has known weirdnesses when breaking ronin in-run.
  9. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed get_campground() contains previous and current garden seed packets

    > ash get_campground() Returned: aggregate int [item] meat golem => 1 Certificate of Participation => 1 Dramatic™ range => 1 Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit => 1 bartender-in-the-box => 1 pagoda plans => 1 chef-in-the-box => 1 clockwork maid => 1 Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate...
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Ordering a muffin at the breakfast counter doesn't always set the muffinOnOrder property

    And again [760] Train to Downtown Preference lastEncounter changed from Grease Trapper to On a Downtown Train Encounter: On a Downtown Train Took choice 1308/7: Visit the Breakfast Counter choice.php?whichchoice=1308&option=7&pwd Encounter: On a Downtown Train You acquire an item: bran muffin...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Max Price field in the maximizer appears to do nothing.

    Help page says So I set my options thus: 15 million is about 14 million higher than the current mall price of the 5th cheapest gingerbeard and yet it doesn't show up there. No matter what combination of the radio buttons I set, it never shows up and clearly the max price field is neither...
  12. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Thanks @gausie Verifying the equipment changing is a matter of running autoscend and seeing if it breaks when it gets the Hipster or Bugbear so it might take a few days but the have_familiar() change looks good > ash have_familiar($familiar[Antique Nutcracker]); Returned: false > ash...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Custom combat disable for fully scripted KoLMafia users

    Problem there is if you do something like use(1, $item[photocopied monster]); It will still call your CCS to handle the fight as it won't have got to your run_combat("your macro here"); call yet. Also note I am not the target demographic for this change. My default.ccs looks like [ default ]...
  14. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Stealing ironic moustache from the Mini-Hipster... Cannot make familiar requests in Quantum Terrarium. Still happens in r20746 as does > ash my_path() Returned: Quantum Terrarium > ash my_familiar().to_string() Returned: Mini-Hipster > ash...
  15. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Ordering a muffin at the breakfast counter doesn't always set the muffinOnOrder property

    And again. Different account, same path. Familiar was Sleazy Gravy Fairy at the time. [821] Train to Downtown Preference lastEncounter changed from If You Could Only See to On a Downtown Train Encounter: On a Downtown Train Took choice 1308/7: Visit the Breakfast Counter...
  16. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Ordering a muffin at the breakfast counter doesn't always set the muffinOnOrder property

    Happened again but this time collecting the muffin didn't reset the property. [766] Train to Downtown Preference lastEncounter changed from rock scorpion to On a Downtown Train Encounter: On a Downtown Train Took choice 1308/7: Visit the Breakfast Counter...
  17. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Thanks, I'll keep any eye out when autoscend is running to see if it hits the right schedule to trigger it again. Much appreciated as always @gausie (y)
  18. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    If your Quantum Familiar changes after a combat in the Haunted Bedroom, mafia is attempting to parse qterrarium.php before the post-combat choice is resolved and throwing an error. Likely affects other chained adventures. Sorry I don't have a log to show the error (was running autoscend and by...
  19. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    I'm guessing this was a reply to @VladYvhuce but if not > ash my_familiar().to_string() Returned: Pocket Professor > ashq visit_url("qterrarium.php") Preference relayCounters changed from 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:266:Quantum Familiar loc=*:cutemeteor.gif...
  20. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    I also just had Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,mox,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent,-200combat 25max,+equip pool cue...