Bug - Not A Bug Modifier Maximizer removing shirts and not taking them into account


New member
I have torse aware(g)ness and am therefore able to use shirts. However, not only does the maximizer not look at any of my shirts, it attempts to remove my shirt no matter what, even when it itself predicts that it will lower the desired stat. Version 20.7, have also had other people in /hardcore mention having this issue as well. As far as reproducing, any time I use the maximizer while wearing a shirt/having shirts accessible it seems to happen.
I would try the newest daily build to see if it resolves it. 20.7 is last point release which I believe is almost 2 years old. The newest daily build can be found ci.kolmafia.us
I would try the newest daily build to see if it resolves it. 20.7 is last point release which I believe is almost 2 years old. The newest daily build can be found ci.kolmafia.us
Second this! But 20.7 was released in 2020-7. There's a method to the versioning. It's year+month (now).
I am unable to duplicate this with r20764. I have a shirt on, I maximized "mainstat" from the Maximizer GUI, and it still has my current equipment on, and recommended pulling a different piece of equipment.
Screen Shot 2021-06-13 at 3.08.34 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-13 at 3.08.29 PM.png
In case anyone wants to avoid this issue in the future, I realized why I thought I was on the newest version - I downloaded from SourceForge, and it took me a little bit to realize that SourceForge didn't have the newest versions. Just thought I'd mention that here in case something similar came up again.