Search results

  1. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Track Floundry fishing locations

    > ash get_fishing_locations() Returned: aggregate location [string] bass => The Hidden Park carp => The Skeleton Store cod => The Deep Dark Jungle hatchetfish => The Poop Deck trout => The Haunted Bathroom tuna => Thugnderdome Looks good. Thanks @Ryo_Sangnoir
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Track Floundry fishing locations

    This is exactly the use case I requested this for (y) It's not something I would personally use but being able to check the fish stocks might be useful to some people especially if they would want to do something like if (carp_stocked > 10) { create(1, $item[carpe]); }
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Track Floundry fishing locations

    Not sure if this has been feature requested before but it would be most appreciated if we could have access to the day's fishing locations. E.g. today it looks like this in game carp: The Deep Dark Jungle cod: Camp Logging Camp trout: The Oasis bass: The Unquiet Garves hatchetfish: The Fungal...
  4. Malibu Stacey

    New Content June 2022 IotM: June Cleaver

    maximizer is only recommending one teacher's pen when maximizing "familiar exp" it doesn't have a single equip limit. You can equip 3 if you so wish. I should state that this account doesn't have any inventory but the maximizer options were set to "pullable/buyable" hence why the first one...
  5. Malibu Stacey

    New Content MayDay Contract - May 2022 IoTM

    For anyone who isn't in the ASS Discord, this was indeed the case but Aenimus confirmed yesterday it has been fixed & should now stack correctly.
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed refresh all aborts if you've used all your locket fights (r26391)

    > refresh all Loading character status... Refreshing session data... Synchronizing moon data... Retrieving character data... Updating inventory... Examining Meat in closet... Updating closet... Retrieving quest data... Retrieving familiar data... Familiar data retrieved. Retrieving campground...
  7. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    Thanks Veracity, much appreciated (y)
  8. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    Does it also fix this? As in, can I remove the run_combat() calls I had to have previously after any cli_execute("reminisce <insert monster here>");?
  9. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Buying from mall when crafting should be "better"

    I noticed this a day or two ago. Verifying ingredients for perfect negroni (1)... Creating perfect negroni (1)... You acquire an item: perfect negroni You acquire an item: bottle of gin Successfully created perfect negroni (1) Drinking 1 perfect negroni... You gain 22 Adventures You gain 5...
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed getWorkshed() returns none when out of CMC consults

    HTML of the page when out of consults for the day attached.
  11. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented Miniature Crystal Ball tracking post January 10th 2022 changes

    Equipped, got a prediction. equip familiar miniature crystal ball [774034] The Dire Warren Preference lastEncounter changed from crate to Knob Goblin Embezzler Encounter: Knob Goblin Embezzler Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20220314190600 to 20220314190749 Preference...
  12. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented Miniature Crystal Ball tracking post January 10th 2022 changes

    I prefixed this with "Bug" but it's not really a bug.(thanks bmaher) KoL changed the behaviour of an IotM more than a year since release to remove a ridiculous uncapped free fight farming method which would have caused hyper-meat-inflation and the entire kingdom to become tatter farmers to...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Chewing Multiple Breathitin via GCLI only adds 5 charges to mafias Breathitin Counter

    Extrovermectin™ is not multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was is what I get in the CLI when I grab one from the cabinet. I'm in aftercore so no Grey You issues etc. > version KoLmafia r26286
  14. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Custom combat disable for fully scripted KoLMafia users

    Ironically, your example of autoscend is one of those scripts which ships with an "empty" CCS containing only a "scrollwhendone" (as I said in my earlier post in this thread) so it can "workaround" this issue in the first place because it uses combat filter functions to handle combat. Also...
  15. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    reminisce command doesn't run CCS (or presumably any other custom combat actions, does anyone actually use any of those). Just starts a fight & sits there doing nothing.
  16. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    Monster tracking looks like it has some issues. Fought a Black Crayon Penguin from the locket first today. Took choice 1463/1: (secret choice) choice.php?whichchoice=1463&pwd&option=1&mid=1204 Preference lastEncounter changed from The Mad Tea Party to Black Crayon Penguin Encounter: Black...
  17. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed NPE when launching r26211

    I'm running Adoptium 17 JRE on Windows 10. Maybe different JRE versions or you having the JDK is the difference?
  18. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed NPE when launching r26211

    All I did was double click on the .jar & the attached debug report appeared. Tried it again just to make sure it wasn't a one off & it seems pretty reproducible. I upgraded from r26209 which didn't exhibit this behaviour so it's likely introduced in one of the 2 changes since that revision.
  19. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed beGregariousFightsLeft is decremented when encountering other sources of the beGregariousMonster

    Confirming phred's change fixed it. I had 3 Greg'd Embezzlers waiting for me, used Envyfish Egg & 3 timespinner & tracking was all good.
  20. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented int retrieve_cost(item) function to get the meat required to acquire the supplied item

    Currently if you use acquire on the cli or the retrive_item/retrieveItem functions they do a bunch of mall checks and calculate the cheapest way to acquire the supplied item e.g. ash retrieve_item(20, $item[moreltini]) Searching for "bottle of gin"... Search complete. Searching for...