New Content MayDay Contract - May 2022 IoTM


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10900 MayDay™ contract 536141141 maydaycontract.gif usable t 0
# Item MayDay™ contract: Survival supplies will be delivered to you each day
Item MayDay™ contract Free Pull
After using the contract you get the following delivered after a combat.
10901 MayDay™ supply package 553211944 maydaypackage.gif usable q 0
# Item MayDay™ supply package
Opening the package yielded
use 1 MayDay™ supply package
10905 headlamp 847104238 maydayheadlamp.gif hat q 0
headlamp 100 none
Item headlamp Item Drop: +15, Lasts Until Rollover
10908 spare battery 133495777 maydaybattery.gif potion, multiple t,d 10
Item spare battery Effect: "Tingly Tongue", Effect Duration: 20
2704 Tingly Tongue maydaybattery.gif 3543e77d43816e573a802c5c68226f3d neutral none use 1 spare battery
Effect Tingly Tongue MP Regen Min: 20, MP Regen Max: 30
10915 cool mint precipice bar 646996512 maydaybar.gif food t,d 10
cool mint precipice bar 1 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item cool mint precipice bar Effect: "On the Minty Precipice", Effect Duration: 30
2707 On the Minty Precipice maydaybar.gif 6a543864b4bb1b558217729a507a4044 neutral none eat 1 cool mint precipice bar
Effect On the Minty Precipice Experience: +10, Muscle Percent: +15, Mysticality Percent: +15, Moxie Percent: +15
2709 Ready to Survive maydaypackage.gif e10348bbce52884781153e51f37ca337 neutral none
Effect Ready to Survive Experience (Muscle): +1, Experience (Mysticality): +1, Experience (Moxie): +1, Damage Reduction: 20, Weapon Damage: +10, Spell Damage: +10, Initiative: +100, Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Spooky Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
You acquire an effect: Ready to Survive (30)
You acquire an item: headlamp
You acquire an item: spare battery
You acquire an item: cool mint precipice bar
The package contents, based on posting in the KoL forum, are not the same for every delivery.
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More items from a MayDay supply package
use 1 MayDay™ supply package
10904 crank-powered radio on a lanyard 165573911 maydayradio.gif accessory q 0
crank-powered radio on a lanyard 0 none
Item crank-powered radio on a lanyard Monster Level: +15, Lasts Until Rollover
10911 gaffer's tape 975019349 maydaytape.gif potion, multiple t,d 10
Item gaffer's tape Effect: "Gaffe Free", Effect Duration: 20
2706 Gaffe Free maydaytape.gif af3ed07a138fe185660609606c1c2926 neutral none use 1 gaffer's tape
Effect Gaffe Free Moxie: +15, Moxie Percent: +50
Also received a cool mint precipice bar and 30 adventures of Ready to Survive.
use 1 MayDay™ supply package
10905 headlamp 847104238 maydayheadlamp.gif hat q 0
headlamp 100 none
Item headlamp Item Drop: +15, Lasts Until Rollover
10911 gaffer's tape 975019349 maydaytape.gif potion, multiple t,d 10
Item gaffer's tape Effect: "Gaffe Free", Effect Duration: 20
2706 Gaffe Free maydaytape.gif af3ed07a138fe185660609606c1c2926 neutral none use 1 gaffer's tape
Effect Gaffe Free Moxie: +15, Moxie Percent: +50
10912 20-lb can of rice and beans 612048631 maydaycan.gif food t,d 10
20-lb can of rice and beans 15 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item 20-lb can of rice and beans Effect: "Stuffed", Effect Duration: 100
2710 Stuffed maydaycan.gif 6e6cfdaf4191a47ecde914638c712803 neutral none
This is what I picked up today, I think you have some of these here already.
This has likely been spaded but...I've been opening these as I got them and each day the package contents were different. As an experiment I saved three packages and opened them on the same day: the contents were the same for all three packages.