Bug Chewing Multiple Breathitin via GCLI only adds 5 charges to mafias Breathitin Counter


Told Mafia to chew 2 Breathitin, mafia only added 5 charges to breathitinCounter, whilst spleen went up the appropriate amount.

Snippet from session log below. Using r26279. Have confirmed that I did have the extra charges by seeing the "The outdoors is so refreshing, that adventure just flew right by!" quote at the end of combats after mafia's tracker thought I had run out

chew 2 Breathitin™
Preference breathitinCharges changed from 0 to 5
KoLmafia thinks that - and the other Cold Medicine spleen items - are single use.
Which is to say, when you told it to chew 2, I would expect to see something like this in the gCLI.

Chewing Breathitin (1 of 2) ...
Preference breathitinCharges changed from 0 to 5
Chewing Breathitin (2 of 2) ...
Preference breathitinCharges changed from 5 to 10
Finished chewing 2 Breathitin.

When you said "Told Mafia to chew 2 Breathitin", how did you "tell" it to do that? gCLI? Item Manager?
In any case, it looks like Extrovermectin takes the "count" field into account, but Homebodyl and Breathitin do not.
Presumably they should all be marked multiusable and

      case ItemPool.HOMEBODYL:
        if (responseText.contains("You pop the pill and feel an immediate desire")) {
          Preferences.increment("homebodylCharges", 11);

      case ItemPool.EXTROVERMECTIN:
        if (responseText.contains("You pop the pill and are immediately overcome")) {
          Preferences.increment("beGregariousCharges", count);

      case ItemPool.BREATHITIN:
        if (responseText.contains("You pop the pill in your mouth")) {
          Preferences.increment("breathitinCharges", 5);
the "11" and "5" should be " * count".

Or something. What if you try to multi-chew but don't have enoughh spleen left? The GUI (and gCLI) should prevent you, but what if you did it in the Relay browser?
In relay browser, you get the regular relay browser "your spleen might explode" message when trying to over-spleen, while KOL displays "Your spleen might go kerblooey" (or however it's spelled) in the CLI. I've got the baby sandworm and a pair of stomping boots, and not so good at mental math. I've lost count of how many times I've seen those messages.
How odd. In my most recent visit to the Cold Medicine cabinet:

Breathitin™ is not multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was
You acquire an item: Breathitin™

But when I look at it in Consumables in the Relay Browser, I see a "use some" link there.

I'm in a Grey You run, so am not willing to experiment right now, but when I free the King, OK.
Grey You restrictions make food/booze/spleen item single use for that run (can't absorb another till the next run). Perhaps that's what's causing it?