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  1. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    I just got out of ronin, so now I can't test this more, as I've got all my stuff pulled.
  2. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    1: Yes. 2: +current doesn't change anything with either.
  3. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    I'm just using "+adv" or "+adv -tie" (without quotes of course). Both suggest adjustments to the parka and cape that will give +0 adventures. I'm not well versed in the maximizer string stuff. That's why I'm asking if there's something I should try to get it to not consider the ineffective modes...
  4. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    Did that, all it does is suggest another different adjustment to the same equipment that adds +0.
  5. VladYvhuce

    Kolmafia questions

    Quick question. Is there a way to stop the maximizer from suggesting ineffective equipment adjustments? It keeps suggesting changing parka mode and superhero cape mode, but the suggestions will give the same result of +0 adventures as what's currently equipped. I'm currently just avoiding...
  6. VladYvhuce

    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    I'd call this a QOL change until TPTB get around to fixing their oops. Lots of people in the chat channels I keep open have been complaining about the links thing.
  7. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Some combat drops in the Crimbo 2023 zones are ignored

    Good to know. As someone who's a more casual user, I'm not good at remembering that that's a command. Thanks.
  8. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Some combat drops in the Crimbo 2023 zones are ignored

    Screenshot of this happening.
  9. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Some combat drops in the Crimbo 2023 zones are ignored

    Not sure if this's the proper topic, but it seems like we can get 3 pieces of 12, but the monster info says 1-2. This is separate from the additional piece from the map. Meaning that you can get 4 pieces per fight, rather than just 3, if a map is active.
  10. VladYvhuce

    Bug KolMafia dumping files in Steam folder

    Edited the post to have more info when you were posting, apparently. I hope the new info is more helpful.
  11. VladYvhuce

    Bug KolMafia dumping files in Steam folder

    I ran into this problem. When I opened Mafia last night, it had forgotten my username, password, alternate color scheme, and who knows what else. I did not log in, and instead shut it down and went looking for duplicate java.exe files as suggested. And yes, Steam had decided within the past 2 of...
  12. VladYvhuce

    New Content Jill-of-all-trades (October 2023 IotM)

    Wiki page, if that helps. They've got the stat numbers and whatnot spaded/listed. Jill of all trades on KOL Wiki
  13. VladYvhuce

    LTF: old IOTM zone scripts:

    4: Hope the RNG is on your side, and be too stubborn to quit. It took me another 10 runs (thank goodness for having the familiar and not having mall-sold the gg tokens recently), but I was finally able to unlock ice beam in the ticket booth. While I understood the mechanics, I was running into...
  14. VladYvhuce

    LTF: old IOTM zone scripts:

    Meteoid is the one we really need, cause I've not been able to find any sort of strategy guides on it.
  15. VladYvhuce

    WTF Relay script collection

    Good to know. I was wondering if I'd missed some sort of weird way to use the rock as a house during a period of not playing the game for a while, or if something was goofed up, or what. If all is well with it as is, then that's awesome.
  16. VladYvhuce

    WTF Relay script collection

    Uh... Why is Big Rock showing up with house item info?
  17. VladYvhuce

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I've noted that WHAM does this with many monsters. You basically need to open the browser and use the WHAMDONTUSE script there to tell it not to use whimpy skills or waste time with stuff like 7-10 uses of specter scepter. It does need some sort of "use my most damaging skill/item" setup, rather...
  18. VladYvhuce

    Bug Single-use skills "stick" in skill casting tab after use, have to backspace to cast other skills.

    This problem has gotten worse. In r27070, pressing backspace in the skill selection box (where the skill name is displayed after selection) no longer cancels out the stuck skill. Instead, I have to click on an active effect in the Active Effects menu to clear out the stuck skill selection and...
  19. VladYvhuce

    New Content 2023 <s>Nerf</s> Improvements Day

    While I'm sure some people won't like that, it could be helpful for someone looking for the hobo glyph there. It took me 3 ascensions to find that one, due to running out of evil to fight in that area.
  20. VladYvhuce

    Bug After Battle: unspecified macro action?

    Something strange is going on. I have my Smashy! macro set to auto-attack and Whammy! set as CCS. These are screenshots of my macros, and a weird after-combat message that consistently pops up. As you can see, my macro and CSS are rather simple. I've been away for a while, but 2-3 months ago...