Kolmafia questions


New member
Is there any way to see what food/drinks you've consumed for the day, when your using an ascension script? I'm using the autoascend script in hardcore standard, btw.

Also, is there any way to prevent/fix the autoascend script from breaking? I've had one instance of where the autoascend script started the Island War, and forgot the War outfit (I was playing in hardcore, so I had no choice but to drop HC, and pull it from Hagnk's). Another, instance I had was when the same script forgot to get the jar of oil from the Oil Peaks, and kept trying to run Twin Peaks (the script would keep getting stuck in the choice adventure where the jar of oil was needed).
You cannot start the war without having one of the two war outfits. If it’s not the one you prefer to fight in, you can still fight using it until the parts for the other side’s outfit drop.

Absolutely no reason to drop Hardcore.
I actually did manage to start the war, though. I didn't have any of those outfits, just the regular hippy outfit (not the War Hippy Fatigures). I couldn't access the battlefield, and no one from either camp would talk to me.

I think I might have been partly to blame though, since I sometimes interrupt the script while it's running. I had gotten some kind of message about the "beer helmet" being missing though, since the script was looking for it, and couldn't find it.

I'm thinking the script might have accidently sold off the War Outfit pieces or possibly closeted them(?). (I swear I didn't touch those items in my inventory).

But, it was a pretty rare occurrence, overall. It's only ever happened to me, just one time.

Btw, I don't think the quest can even be completed in Hardcore, if all of the pieces of the war outfits gets sold, since that seems to lock you out of the quest (no one in either camp will talk to you, nor can you participate in the battlefield).

I'm trying to avoid interrupting the script, anymore, though, since that seems to be partly what caused to throw the script off in the first place.
Another, instance I had was when the same script forgot to get the jar of oil from the Oil Peaks, and kept trying to run Twin Peaks (the script would keep getting stuck in the choice adventure where the jar of oil was needed).
Autoscend is not perfect. I can't speak to the issues you encountered with the War outfit but I have experienced the one where, for whatever reason, it didn't get the jar of oil before trying to finish Twin Peaks. In that case I simply adventured manually until I was able to create the jar of oil.

I'd recommend checking the Discord channel mentioned in the documentation for autoscend.

Is there any way to see what food/drinks you've consumed for the day, when your using an ascension script
Autoscend includes a relay script that allows you to see exactly what the script did during the day's turns. It is referenced in the documentation linked to above.
You can (currently) start the war with neither outfit by hitting one of the candy cane sword cane adventures, and using that to start the war.

It's probably a bug.
for whatever reason, it didn't get the jar of oil before trying to finish Twin Peaks. In that case I simply adventured manually until I was able to create the jar of oil.
I had the same thing happen to me recently and used the same solution.
Quick question. Is there a way to stop the maximizer from suggesting ineffective equipment adjustments? It keeps suggesting changing parka mode and superhero cape mode, but the suggestions will give the same result of +0 adventures as what's currently equipped. I'm currently just avoiding hitting the "equip all" and instead selecting the things that will actually give +adventures and hitting "equip selected".
Did that, all it does is suggest another different adjustment to the same equipment that adds +0.

If you want to help debug this start removing things from your maximizer string and give us a string that works as expected and the one constraint that, when added, makes it not work. It is most likely that something you consider ineffective has some side effect that the maximizer considers useful. -tie should prevent this but there may be undocumented or not understood constraints that the maximizer is using.
If you want to help debug this start removing things from your maximizer string and give us a string that works as expected and the one constraint that, when added, makes it not work. It is most likely that something you consider ineffective has some side effect that the maximizer considers useful. -tie should prevent this but there may be undocumented or not understood constraints that the maximizer is using.
I'm just using "+adv" or "+adv -tie" (without quotes of course). Both suggest adjustments to the parka and cape that will give +0 adventures. I'm not well versed in the maximizer string stuff. That's why I'm asking if there's something I should try to get it to not consider the ineffective modes of those equipments.
I'm just using "+adv" or "+adv -tie" (without quotes of course). Both suggest adjustments to the parka and cape that will give +0 adventures. I'm not well versed in the maximizer string stuff. That's why I'm asking if there's something I should try to get it to not consider the ineffective modes of those equipments.

Are they +0 even if you use all of them combined?

Also try seeing what happens if you ad +current
Interesting approach, pulling all your stuff.
I assume you don’t PVP.

I don't PVP.
I have item management scripts that predate Hagnk's and I am content to pull everything rather than update the scripts.

I'm just using "+adv" or "+adv -tie" (without quotes of course). Both suggest adjustments to the parka and cape that will give +0 adventures.

Thus does make me wonder if there is something going on with things that can be configured? I have often had a nagging suspicion that there was more going one with tiebreaking than was obvious.
Interesting approach, pulling all your stuff.
I assume you don’t PVP.
No, I don't PVP. When I do a path run, I typically just burn adventures till I'm out of ronin and then pull everything, cause I hate ronin and the restrictions that come with it, and have way more useful stuff than what 20 daily pulls and the additional only 1 of anything per day can handle. It's so much less of a headache doing many of the quests when I can use all my stuff.