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  1. R

    New Content - Rejected Zombie Maestro reduces zombie skill cost by 1

    Mafia doesn't seem to understand that Zombie Maestro reduces the cost of zombie skills by 1 (to a minimum of 1), which can sometimes mess up automation because it thinks you have 0 zombies instead of 1.
  2. R

    Bug - Fixed My Custom Outfits List has disappeared

    I'll also confirm this -- it only happens when you newly ascend until you acquire a "built-in" outfit like the Harem Girl Outfit. Until that point, you can't load custom outfits. Even in the cli, if you try to load an outfit it will get very confused and equip your "old" settings for that outfit.
  3. R

    Feature custom goals for goal-oriented adventuring

    Continued from another thread, it would be nice to be able to create arbitrary goals for locations. I was thinking that there could be some sort of editor where you can create these goals, either getting certain items or experiencing certain choice adventures. Edit by Minion, Bale: Dear...
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    Feature - Implemented Airship goal: 1 S.O.C.K (without Metallic A)

    No, I didn't know that. I'd go one step further then and allow users to save custom goals.
  5. R

    Feature - Implemented Airship goal: 1 S.O.C.K (without Metallic A)

    I've been burned twice by this now. Currently the only 2 available goals for the airship are "1 metallic A, 1 S.O.C.K." and "1 photoprotoneutron torpedo". But in Boris and Zombie you don't need a metallic A, or in SC you might just pull the wand directly. It would be nice if these goals were...
  6. R

    Feature - Rejected favorite_items()

    It would be nice if KoLmafia kept track of "favorited" items. Right now I parse the favorites section under inventory but that is very slow.
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    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Updated to 2.1.1! Introducing starred favorite items!
  8. R

    Feature - Implemented make_url() with no arguments

    The make_url() function already exists, just not with zero arguments. I will try the form_field() function, I was unaware of its existence. However, it might still be useful to know what page will be called by visit_url().
  9. R

    Feature - Implemented make_url() with no arguments

    I'm having a problem with my Enhanced Inventory Spoilers script. I want to distinguish if somebody visits their inventory from the menu (in which case the url is "/inventory.php"), or if they visit it from a different inventory page (where the url will be "/inventory.php?which=N"). It would be...
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    Character Info Toolbox

    I guess this is a tiny "bug", but on the MCD selector, 7 should now be "Codpiece of the Goblin King".
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    Required Mus/Myst/Mox to equip an item

    Is there a function to determine the required stats to equip an item? It would be convenient but it is not in the proxy records for any items.
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    Universal Recovery Script

    I see that there is some zombie development going on with this script, but in the latest version there isn't an explicit option to allow bite minion and devour minions to heal HP, is this a setting somewhere?
  13. R

    Bug - Not A Bug Day of the Dead drink adventures incorrect

    > ash $item[corpsedriver] Returned: corpsedriver plural => corpsedrivers descid => 410047686 image => corpsedriver.gif levelreq => 5 quality => awesome adventures => 19-25 muscle => 70-74 mysticality => 0 moxie => 0 fullness => 0 inebriety => 6 spleen => 0 notes => combat => false reusable =>...
  14. R

    Feature - Rejected Avoid equipping sugar shield with modifier maximizer

    I understand why this happens, but it's very annoying that the modifier maximizer ALWAYS equips a sugar shield on my familiar. I keep a sugar shield around in SC to make the tower easier, but any time I use the maximizer I need to switch the equipment back. It'd be nice if there were a way to...
  15. R

    Bounty Hunter Helper

    It's unfortunately not that simple. For example, the table on the wiki has an entry called "Savings per 5% combat modifier", but in reality the average number of turns is not linear with this value if there are skippable noncombats. It also differs if you have olfaction. And if you have...
  16. R

    Bounty Hunter Helper

    Version History: 1.0.0: Initial Version 1.0.1: Added note about Ninja snowman assassin with +Combat. Also displays current item after you accept it. 1.1.0: Added to SVN, removed the now-unnecessary assassin message, fixed Rain-Doh
  17. R

    Bounty Hunter Helper

    Bounty Hunter Helper 1.1.0 Displays information about bounties Tired of opening the KoL Wiki every day to check on which bounty is the fastest? Ever realized that the turns quoted on the Wiki are inaccurate? I made this relay script to display bounty information in a helpful, easy way. The...
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    Bug - Fixed Palm-frond cloak modifiers incorrect

    KoLmafia has the modifiers for the Palm-frond cloak as +2 resistance to all 5 elements, but the in-game description says +1 resistance to each.
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    Bug - Fixed Outskirts combat rate incorrect

    This is correct, but in the steady-state, the probability is about 50% more. See On the trail for a more detailed analysis.
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    Bug - Fixed Outskirts combat rate incorrect

    I am not saying that the queue should be implemented. What I am saying is that the probability of a specific monster appearing is not linear with the number of copies present. For example, there are two ISoRE encounters (instead of one, like the other adventures), but due to the properties of...