Bug - Not A Bug Day of the Dead drink adventures incorrect


> ash $item[corpsedriver]

Returned: corpsedriver
plural => corpsedrivers
descid => 410047686
image => corpsedriver.gif
levelreq => 5
quality => awesome
adventures => 19-25
muscle => 70-74
mysticality => 0
moxie => 0
fullness => 0
inebriety => 6
spleen => 0
notes =>
combat => false
reusable => false
usable => false
multi => false
fancy => false
candy => false
bounty => none
bounty_count => 0
seller => none
buyer => none
name_length => 12

The Wiki shows the number of adventures for DoD drinks as 19-23, and I personally have never seen more than 23.


Staff member
drink 1 corpsedriver
You gain 24 Adventures
You gain 74 Fortitude
You gain 6 Drunkenness
I did not have Ode to Booze active. If it had been active, it would have been a minimum of 25, since the drink has a minimum of 19 adventures and an inebriety of 6.

I see no reason to believe the Wiki when it contradicts my personal data.
I actually have no reason to believe the Wiki for just about ANY consumption data unless it provides plausible spading data.

Edit: we got most of our data from Gemelli's Well Tempered Mixologist, which IS based on real spading. That lists a corpsedriver as 19-25 - just like KoLmafia's inebriety.txt.

Please do not make bug reports saying "the Wiki's consumption data disagrees with KoLmafia's" unless you can show the spading.

Thank you.
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