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  1. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Trying this: SKILL MR T1 Summon Snowcones Tome of Snowcone Summoning dsnowcone.gif 0 SKILL MR T2 Summon Stickers Tome of Sticker Summoning papersword.gif 0 SKILL MR T3 Summon Sugar Sheets Tome of Sugar Shummoning sugsheet.gif 0 SKILL MR T4 Summon Clip Art Tome of Clip Art book3.gif 0 SKILL MR...
  2. L

    Feature Optionally show mafia's combat buttons in addition to CAB

    This is a good idea. Hear hear.
  3. L

    New Content - Implemented April 2016's IotM: VIP Clan Floundry

    Just an observation: upon logging in, it appears as though Mafia does: Visiting Hot Dog Stand in clan VIP lounge Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge Perhaps it should visit the floundry as well? it could get the stock number and the fishing spots?
  4. L

    Bug - Fixed "-1 free rests remaining"

    Yes. And -1 out of 5, for me. The only free rests I have are the chateau fan rests.
  5. L

    New Content - Implemented March 2016 IOTM - Witchess Set

    last night I fought a rook and 4 bishops. I just checked, my _witchessFights is at 5. I'll check again tomorrow.
  6. L

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad

    Ugh. Brainfarted reporting my experience. I apologize. This worked.
  7. L

    Bug - Fixed "-1 free rests remaining"

    I've noticed this happening for a few months and I've finally managed to reproduce it: (1) Log in after rollover. DON'T REST. adventure maybe sometimes. (2) Log out. (3) Log in. Look at daily deeds (or the timesRested preference, it will be negative 1). Maybe I have some script that's...
  8. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Added the skill Astute Angler. Also my perfectionism won't let me add Zarqon's "fix" to the thing. I'm hoping bordemstirs comes back and fixes his code for the bookshelf skills.
  9. L

    MultiCAB - Show an extra Combat Action Bar

    Thanks for providing the Bale HAX. That made this script so useful.
  10. L

    Witchess Puzzle Solver

    113 R U U U U U U U U R D R D L D R D D L D D D R U U R R R D L L D R R R R U U L U L L U U R D R R U L U R U L L L D L U U R R R R That one worked for me today. Here's one that I have no access to but i'm reverse engineering from the picture: 119 u u r r r d l l d r r r r u r d r u u l l l...
  11. L

    New Content - Implemented West of Loathing - 2016 Spring Challenge! Also forgot to get a debug log, but I got a screenshot. Hopefully, I remember to enter debug mode before I ascend next time (five days).
  12. L

    Witchess Puzzle Solver

    THANK YOU. Unfortunately, I seem to be running into puzzles which don't have solutions in the map file (and only have image-solutions in the google doc). but it worked on the one thing that we did have a solution for. I appreciate it!
  13. L

    Witchess Puzzle Solver

    SO WEIRD QUESTION. can this be at all modified to a relay script? So I can have a button on every puzzle so I can click "solve" on any given puzzle? Probably not, I imagine it's a lot of work turning this into a relay script. Even so, thank you for making this!
  14. L

    charsheet.php - Group Skills by Character Class

    Nice! Thanks, it looks good over here.
  15. L

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    I guess I did break something: > volcano_mining.ash Saving outfit: Backup Outfit saved Putting on outfit: Volcano Mining Equipment changed. [883] The Velvet / Gold Mine (Mining) Unexpected error, debug log printed. Script execution aborted (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError...
  16. L

    charsheet.php - Group Skills by Character Class

    Any chance this could separate AWOL class skills by type? For some reason mine's showing Beanslinger (my current class) in its own folder, but my Cow Puncher and Snake Oiler skills are in the undifferentiated mass of "Class Independent".
  17. L

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    That one worked! Thanks. And glad I didn't break anything :)
  18. L

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    I have no idea how I broke this: > svn checkout Starting Checkout... Validating repo... Repo validated. C:\Users\Dell\Dropbox\Mafia\svn\coandco-mafia-volcano-mining-trunk svn: E170001: Authentication required for '/> GitHub'...
  19. L

    New Content - Implemented West of Loathing - 2016 Spring Challenge!

    Whenever I ascend AWOL, I get the three Tales of the West. But, for some reason, only two of them get 'use' links - Beanslinging and Snake Oiling. Cow Punching, for some reason, is ignored. (Sure, I can use it from inventory, but I don't get the automagic use link that the other two get).
  20. L

    New Content - Implemented March 2016 IOTM - Witchess Set

    Are you using the mafia client chat, or the browser chat?