Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad


I'm a Cow Puncher, and I'm in aftercore.

And when I try to 'acquire' a hot wad, it tries to craft it from nuggets, which of course is impossible for me as a Cow Puncher because I have no access to the guild or the malus of forethought.

And it just aborts, and doesn't even try to go to the mall.

Same with any sort of wad, really.

I'm presuming that it assumes 'aftercore muscle class' = guild access = malus. But that's not the case as a Cow Puncher.
Sort of.

	public static final boolean canUseMalus()
		return KoLCharacter.hasSkill( "Pulverize" ) && KoLCharacter.isMuscleClass() && !KoLCharacter.isAvatarOfBoris();
Considering that an Avatar of Boris cannot have Pulverize, that seems unnecessary. Perhaps this:

	public static final boolean canUseMalus()
		return KoLCharacter.hasSkill( "Pulverize" ) && KoLCharacter.isMuscleClass() && KoLCharacter.getGuildStoreOpen();
Since that will not try to use the malus any time you have not opened the Muscle Class guild.
Sounds logical. Also good for those of us who might not bother to open the guild (Although I usually do).