New Content - Implemented April 2016's IotM: VIP Clan Floundry


Let's get this started.

Unknown item found: Clan Floundry (9000, 253258490)
9000 Clan Floundry 253258490 crate.gif usable t 0
Item Clan Floundry Free Pull
You acquire an item: Clan Floundry

Unknown item found: fishin' pole (9007, 474556284)
9007 fishin' pole 474556284 fishinpole.gif none q 0
# Item fishin' pole
You acquire an item: fishin' pole

A new modifier, fishing skill, has been added. also some new stuff in the shops:

The General Store generalstore high-test fishing line 2500 ROW817
Unknown item found: high-test fishing line (9010, 998952743)
9010 high-test fishing line 998952743 fishingline.gif usable t,d 5
Item high-test fishing line Effect: "High-Test Fishing Line", Effect Duration: 20
2096 High-Test Fishing Line fishingline.gif e1636ba1d377fc81d11e007a04627260 use 1 high-test fishing line
# Effect High-Test Fishing Line: att: fishingskill operator: += rpnstring: '5' num: 5
The Armory and Leggery armory fishin' hat 10000 ROW818
Unknown item found: fishin' hat (9011, 717158743)
9011 fishin' hat 717158743 fishinhat.gif hat t,d 50
fishin' hat 10 none
# Item fishin' hat: +5 Fishing Skill

(att: fishingskill operator: += rpnstring: '5' num: 5 is probably going to get changed to +5 fishing skill soon)
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So, what this looks like from the get go... you get a fishin' pole from the floundery, and then you check today's fishing spots. It looks like those'll change daily. Fishing skill is just that, though obviously the rates need to be spaded. The fish get collected post combat, and are not actual items. They go directly into the floundry of your current clan. No report yet on fishing if you have the gear but are either not in a clan or in one with no floundry.
Current fishing skill is listed in the Other Accomplishments section of the quest log. Looks like a base of 20 (possibly from having the fishing rod?) and +5 for the hat, etc.
Unknown item found: wriggling worm (9008, 952633988)
9008	wriggling worm	952633988	wiggleworm.gif	usable		0
Item	wriggling worm	Effect: "Baited Hook", Effect Duration: 100
2094	Baited Hook	wiggleworm.gif	8a79ad1edacc21eb9ba18a14df09ce2e	use 1 wriggling worm
Effect	Baited Hook	Fishing Skill: +5
Just an observation:

upon logging in, it appears as though Mafia does:

Visiting Hot Dog Stand in clan VIP lounge
Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge

Perhaps it should visit the floundry as well? it could get the stock number and the fishing spots?
Just an observation:

upon logging in, it appears as though Mafia does:

Visiting Hot Dog Stand in clan VIP lounge
Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge

Perhaps it should visit the floundry as well? it could get the stock number and the fishing spots?

It would also be nice to know if it has enough fish in the floundry to know which gear it can make? Too much?
I expect we will be adding similiar checks for those for Hot Dog Stand for those sort of things, which will include checking it on login. It will not be done by me this week.
Is there a simple way to see if a VIP furniture exists in the current clan without doing a page hit?

I ask because I want newLife to check for the presence of a Floundry and hit it up for a fishing pole if the Floudry is present.
It appears that simply having a fishin' rod gives you a base of 20 Fishing Skill. Not sure if that's worth reporting on, but it means that numeric_modifier("Fishing Skill") should be at least 20 when you have a fishin' rod, unless we only want to report on increases on this base value.

9013	sonar fishfinder	463912431	evilometer.gif	offhand	t	0
sonar fishfinder	0	none
Item	sonar fishfinder	Fishing Skill: +5
9009	bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA	805014558	fancybrew.gif	drink	t,d	50
bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA	2	6	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA	Effect: "A Real Head for Fish", Effect Duration: 50
2095	A Real Head for Fish	fishy5.gif	cb3eac6d97f204102cd30ca4ee1419f9	drink 1 bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA
Effect	A Real Head for Fish	Fishing Skill: +10
Drop from a sheet ghost:

9015	antique tacklebox	166401677	tacklebox.gif	none	t	0
# Item antique tacklebox: (having more than one doesn't help)
Item	antique tacklebox	Fishing Skill: +5
The fishfinder and bottle of IPA are still showing as unknown even in 16865

r16867. This also updates combat rate modifiers of Floundry equipment to +/- 10 (technically untested for tunac, but all others have been verified, either through Community Service or through the airship noncombat).