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  1. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Ah. Yes, they are somewhat mysteriously in my closet. I never closet things, I wonder what script thing I have closeted them.
  2. L

    OCD Inventory control

    I have my OCD database set up to keep 100 of the New Age Healing Crystals and keep 1 New Age Hurting Crystal. However, it always empties my inventory of all of those, so I wind up having 0 of both.
  3. L

    Garden Optimization Script

    Yeah, I know i'm early. But I have the time to work on this now and if I didn't solve it now, I'd probably forget before next year. Coping skills for memory issues, for the win.
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    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

    for the record, it's working for me.
  5. L

    Garden Optimization Script

    If anyone's curious I managed it with this: int a = mall_price($item[pumpkin]); int b = 3*mall_price($item[peppermint sprout]); int c = 5*mall_price($item[skeleton]); int d = (21*mall_price($item[handful of barley])+21*mall_price($item[cluster of hops])+3*mall_price($item[fancy beer...
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    Garden Optimization Script

    With Jick's declaration that gardens are unlikely to happen after next year, I'm preparing to face the reality that any garden I have planted will grow in the background and I'll have to harvest it after I break the prism. I'm looking at trying an ash script that will tell me which garden is...
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    Skill/CS planner

    Added the Intergnat. Reminder here's the link:
  8. L

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    Just tried that, and got the same result. But my svn update doesn't crap out on it.
  9. L

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Your Baby Sandworm can't wear a oil pan unable to buff Mysticality to 921, quitting This seems to be happening a lot (my first time trying the script). It switches to the Sandworm when it's supposed to enter a combat, then seems to have no idea how to switch back to a disembodied hand. If I...
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    Loathing Telephone & Telegram - telegram.ash

    I'm really liking this. Is there any way to get it to do every mission (easy/moderate/hard) without needing to stop after each one? Or even to abort after a mission?
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    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

    Is it even possible to code the Daily Downloader to just automatically launch the current version of Mafia when something like this happens?
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    WHAM: Running SmartStasis WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle WHAM: We are going to 2-shot with Soul Bubble and Soul Blaze. Round 1: Jennisage executes a macro! Round 1: Jennisage casts SOUL BUBBLE! So... once soul...
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    Skill/CS planner

    Fixed an issue with Sp'nz'or's "tasteful" gifts being grayed out. Also added the airplane tattoo from the Duty Free shop. PS: I want to add a line to my kingfreed script that will automatically reload this script's page. Anyone know how I could do that?
  14. L

    Bug - Fixed r16864 seems to have a problem

    Glad this wasn't just me.
  15. L

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Hm. For some strange reason, my lastTempleUnlock is set to 'true'. No idea why that happened. I'm assuming it should be set to my current ascension, since I've already unlocked the temple.
  16. L

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Spot checking, I got this: > ash import <canadv.ash> can_adv($location[The Hidden Temple]); The string "true" is not an integer; returning 0 (canadv.ash, line 649) Returned: false
  17. L

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Just deleted and reinstalled. For some bizarre reason, I'm getting the same message. It's when I run SeRa. I'm not sure what thing SeRa is doing when that second line occurs (I'm sure the first line is due to guano junction).
  18. L

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Checking resistance to stench... The string "true" is not an integer; returning 0 (canadv.ash, line 649)
  19. L

    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    I get 'false' It looks like I wasn't patient enough. I had to wait 30 seconds for the hobopolis zones to disappear from SeRa. But they did. So, my bad. Looks like, with enough time, it does work.
  20. L

    Nemesis quest script

    Much appreciated, ckb