Loathing Telephone & Telegram - telegram.ash


So you don't want to handle your western adventuring yourself. Instead, you can try telegram.ash. Just run
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/digitrev/code/telegram
A few warnings:

It will default to the easy mission, unless you change ltt_difficulty to hard or moderate. It will attempt to run up to the 10,000 meat quest, unless you change ltt_maxSpend. It will cast passive damage skills if it can, including Frigidalmation (except against Cowtep). It will try to maximize for the bosses using the ltt_maximizer strings. Finally, you can set ltt_pre_adventure to any cli command you want it to run before it starts doing the non-boss adventuring.

I've also included a combat script, telegram_combat.ash, to handle combat against bosses. Just add the following to your CCS to run it:

[Jeff the Fancy Skeleton]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Pecos Dave]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Daisy the Unclean]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Snake-Eyes Glenn]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Pharaoh Amoon-Ra Cowtep]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Former Sheriff Dan Driscoll]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[unusual construct]
	consult telegram_combat.ash
	consult telegram_combat.ash
[Granny Hackleton]
	consult telegram_combat.ash

Warning, I've only barely tested the combat.
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Well, since I wasted 200+ adventures bouncing off the unusual construct, I've modified the script to abort if you get beaten up after fighting the boss.
I want to thank you for this script. I created something similar for my own use and that would have been a pita for me if I hadn't been able to steal so much from you.
I'm really liking this. Is there any way to get it to do every mission (easy/moderate/hard) without needing to stop after each one?

Or even to abort after a mission?
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I'm really liking this. Is there any way to get it to do every mission (easy/moderate/hard) without needing to stop after each one?

Or even to abort after a mission?

Aborting after a mission is easy enough. I could throw in some code to handle that.

As for "every mission", what exactly do you envision happening?
Are you under the impression that you can only do one each of easy/medium/hard per day?

You can do hard/hard/hard/... for as long as you choose to keep ponying up the exponentially increasing overtime cost.

Which is what I did, getting 3 buffalo dimes per mission, back when I was collecting buffalo dimes.
Just faced Clara for the first time with this, and it continued to try to use Soul Blaze the entire fight, until reaching "round 100" (which in-game was round 2). Since Soul Blaze takes 100 Soulsauce, and is thus only castable one time, it seems to have been stuck in a loop.

Are you under the impression that you can only do one each of easy/medium/hard per day?

This is pretty close to my impression.
Ah. Well, you can do as many of any quest level as you can afford. In practice, that's usually about 4 quests per day. Good catch on the soul blaze. I'll try to fix the combat script there.
Expected ( or {, found s (telegram_combat.ash, line 96)
Consult script 'telegram_combat.ash' not found.
You're on your own, partner.
Well... It worked ok up until it got to Pecos Dave. Then, it had a hissy fit.
[4807] Investigating a Plaintive Telegram
Encounter: The Investigation Thrillingly Concludes!
Encounter: Pecos Dave
Strategy: C:\[location cut out by me for privacy reasons]\ccs\Mojo.ccs [pecos dave]
Round 0: VladYvhuce loses initiative!
Round 1: Pecos Dave takes 1 damage.
Round 1: Pecos Dave takes 1 damage.
Round 1: You lose 37 hit points
Changing "strange disc(black)" to "strange disc (black)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 150)
Changing "strange disc(blue)" to "strange disc (blue)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 159)
Changing "strange disc(green)" to "strange disc (green)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 167)
Changing "strange disc(red)" to "strange disc (red)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 175)
Changing "strange disc(white)" to "strange disc (white)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 183)
Changing "strange disc(yellow)" to "strange disc (yellow)" would get rid of this message (telegram_combat.ash, line 191)
Round 1: VladYvhuce uses the New Age healing crystal!
Round 2: VladYvhuce uses the New Age healing crystal!
Round 3: Pecos Dave takes 1 damage.
Round 3: Pecos Dave takes 2 damage.
Round 3: You lose 36 hit points

The boss kicked our ass. Try fighting it manually.
I'm not sure, exactly. I did notice that all my equipment had been changed, too. After resetting my equipment, I found that I could beat Pecos Dave by funkslinging a scented massage oil and a combat item per round (in this case, all 3 troll dolls), adventuring manually. I also noticed the maximizer had been set to "-hp", which isn't good. "+hp" gives a list of stuff that will up your current HP. "-hp" wants to lower your HP. Regardless of health, Pecos Dave's attacks will shave off somewhere around 90% of your max health each time he attacks. So, you have to fully heal each round, or you lose. When using my own equipment, my health is boosted to around 1000.
I also noticed the maximizer had been set to "-hp", which isn't good. "+hp" gives a list of stuff that will up your current HP. "-hp" wants to lower your HP.

Regardless of health, Pecos Dave's attacks will shave off somewhere around 90% of your max health each time he attacks. So, you have to fully heal each round, or you lose. When using my own equipment, my health is boosted to around 1000.

If your second statement is true (I don't actually know), then you really do want to maximize "-hp". This would let you use a gauze garter or something really cheap for the full heal instead of a scented massage oil.
If the -HP thing is true, then judging by the the output, the script had lowered my HP to somewhere under between 40 and 60... And I have plenty of HP restorers. I'm not afraid to spend the meat to restock my scented massage oil stock. I can farm items to cover that cost. Unmodified, my current max HP is 371. I'll certainly make sure to have a frenzy VYKEA companion built and use before trying this again.
If you're okay with funkslinging Scented massage oil, then I recommend you do the following. Edit data\vars_playername.txt and change the ltt_maximizer_dave line to look like
. There should be a tab at the end of the line, just remove the part that says "-hp".

Then, edit your CCS to say
[Pecos Dave]
and handle the fight manually. This should prevent the script from getting you all beaten up.
Just started using this script. My first fight was against pecos dave and i ended up losing it. So some notes on that.
Apparently the logic behind that is to alternate between attacking and using new age healing crystal and i lost because the maximizer:
a) equipped the time bandit's badge of courage severely limiting my stats (but if it hadn't done that, i would probably lose due to too high hp)
b) equipped me with Granny Hackleton's Gatling Gun (ranged weapon) even though i was a TT (mus mainstat) and mox was my lowest stat
c) kept attacking even though i kept missing and there were better alternatives.

So some suggestions.
a) Add +melee or -melee on the maximizer string depending if your mainstat is mus or mox. No idea how to handle mys classes.
b) Calculate your hit chance against pecos dave and abort if it is too low. Hopefully do so before battle.
c) Use a new age hurting crystal instead of attacking. You probably have 1 anyway since you used the healing crystal the previous round.

Solution C seems the more failproof one. It would cost ~1000 meat more than just attacking but that probably isn't a big issue.