Bug - Fixed r16864 seems to have a problem


Well-known member

I'm a user of CHiT and when I tried r16871 this morning CHiT displayed the following error in the gCLI:

The string "true" is not an integer; returning 0 (charpane.ash, line 5566)

That line in CHiT is:

	if(to_int(get_property("lastTempleUnlock"))!=my_ascensions()) {

When I looked at the value of lastTempleUnlock it shows the following:
> prefref lastTempleUnlock

Name                    Value     Default    Scope
lastTempleUnlock     true        -1          user

r16864 explicitly sets the value of lastTempleUnlock to "true"

This will also affect CanAdv and Guide.

when I visit The Distant Woods and KoLmafia "notices" that the Hidden Temple is unlocked the value of lastTempleUnlock changes to "269".
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This was also a problem with lastPlusSignUnlock. Fixed in 16872.

At first it looked like I could just put lastPlusSignUnlock=KoLCharacter.getAscensions() into consequences.txt and things would just work. It worked for the temple but not for the plus sign, and I couldn't figure out why, so I added explicit support to ConsequenceManager.
Also, "r16864 seems to have a problem" is a uselessly vague title, about as informative as just "r16864" given that it's posted in this section of the forum and marked Bug. Something about incorrectly updating a quest setting would be more descriptive.