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  1. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Steel Organ Mourn automation

    Because it TAKES EFFORT to make things work nicely like that, effort that nobody has expended yet. What is so difficult to understand about that?
  2. jasonharper

    Feature Copy constructor for ASH records (and possibly arrays/maps as well?)

    Proposal: add x from y; as a new assignment operator, syntactically equivalent to x = y; except that it recursively copies elements from the RHS into the existing LHS, rather than entirely replacing the LHS. "from" is already a keyword, so this can't break existing scripts. As an operator...
  3. jasonharper

    Patch for considering foldable items in the maximizer

    No, I absolutely do not consider a situation where the maximizer gives fundamentally useless advice to be "better than nothing". This isn't an edge case, it would screw up basically any time you're trying to maximize more than one modifier.
  4. jasonharper

    Patch for considering foldable items in the maximizer

    This patch cannot possibly work right. If multiple forms of the same foldable were all the most beneficial items for their respective slots, the result would be that the maximizer would try to fold & equip all of them - even if you only had one of the items. Also, you're not limiting the value...
  5. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Transfers supposedly fail for display case/inventory moves for items with "<" in name

    Your versions of the patterns would match everything between the first "<b>" on the page, and the "</b> moved from..." text. They would only work if there was guaranteed to be no other bold text on the page.
  6. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer/Maximize try to equip both Juju and V masks

    Aha - snowcones and love songs were the ones I had forgotten. Added in r9483. The nonstackable watches aren't quite the same thing; there's nothing preventing you from actually equipping more than one, and as far as I know you do benefit from all their enchantments except for rollover adventures.
  7. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer/Maximize try to equip both Juju and V masks

    Should be fixed in r9482, along with not recommending multiple pressurized potions at once. Can anybody think of any other mutually-exclusive sets of equipment or effects? I seem to recall there being others, but I can't remember them. I'm pretty sure there's at least one duplicate report...
  8. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Unexpected error (NPE) using Maximizer in beecore

    Should be fixed in r9479.
  9. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Kung Fu Hustler effects mess up modifier maximizer

    r9475 should fix this, however I don't have the Kung Fu Hustler skill to test the specific problem being reported.
  10. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer fails to equip one of a single-equip accessory type when requested.

    Good catch, Feliks! Should be fixed in r9461.
  11. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Something is wrong with item creation

    Creatable count has NEVER considered buying ingredients from the mall - that only comes into play if you attempt to create more items than you have ingredients for.
  12. jasonharper

    Feature Enable users to bypass the CLI command queue

    Sure, a special keyword like that could be implemented fairly easily. I personally consider it a disaster waiting to happen, because people are simply NOT going to think through all the consequences of executing commands immediately (and would probably end up recommending it to other users in...
  13. jasonharper

    Feature Enable users to bypass the CLI command queue

    There are NO CLI commands that are guaranteed not to hit the server, other than 'cls' and 'abort' which are already handled specially. The presence of aliases makes that impossible to determine prior to executing the command line.
  14. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer fails to equip one of a single-equip accessory type when requested.

    This would have been a lot more useful with before & after equipment lists - I'm guessing that you already had a bejeweled pledge pin on, in a different slot than where the Maximizer was trying to put it? By the way, "maximize 100 HP" is kind of pointless, that's exactly the same request as...
  15. jasonharper

    Feature - Rejected Complicated maximizer expressions

    Sure, no problem as long as you only want to create them, and not actually use them... The Maximizer has to be able to limit its search to the few best items for each slot, or it would take YEARS to run with a large inventory. With an arbitrarily complicated expression, how would it even tell...
  16. jasonharper

    Form of...HTML!

    You would need to write a field validator function that accepts a blank entry. "itemnonevalidator" would be a good place to start.
  17. jasonharper

    Form of...HTML!

    I find it extremely hard to believe that any browser would refuse to show unlabeled fields; there must be something else going wrong. Minimal example, please. A textarea displays and edits text... you'd need to create a string version of your list of effects yourself, and then parse it back...
  18. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Modifier Maximizer needs BeeCore features

    5a is implemented in r9438. 5b is in progress - but the question is, what should the default Maximum Beeosity be? Zero? Unlimited? 2 or so? I was thinking of adding a defaultBeeosity pref, so you don't have to retype it for each maximization, but I'd still need to know what to set its...
  19. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Modifier maximizer removes tiny top hat and cane without obvious reason

    Turns out there was a much more fundamental problem here: the Maximizer was only considering equipment items up to the highest ID found in equipment.txt... which doesn't include familiar items. Fixed in r9437. I can't imagine how this went undetected for so long, since the situation of having...
  20. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Modifier maximizer removes tiny top hat and cane without obvious reason

    r9433 should work better here; not tested. It's not practical for these sorts of indirect familiar effectiveness to appear individually in the modtrace output, since they don't combine linearly. However, you could do something like modtrace Fairy to explicitly request the indirect effects...