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  1. G

    Bug - Not A Bug chat_private doesn't appear to work

    To clarify (since sending yourself a PM should work fine) -- who is it you are sending a PM to? Someone who messaged you, someone in your clan (or on its whitelist if you can see the whitelist) or someone not noticeably connected to you through these means?
  2. G

    Bug - Fixed space circumvents command limit in chat_clan

    Not sure which files you are looking at, but since we already check for specific entries for recipient in RuntimeLibrary, I'm just trimming the message in chat_clan. r8922
  3. G

    gCLI command to ENABLE auto-attack?

    I am looking into this now. Do not depend on that earlier chat_clan suggestion. r8922
  4. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    A perfectly good suggestion if you are looking to do it for anything other than the sewers. I actually prefer returning the page text without the combat check and letting an intelligent script handle specific events. However, as I said, this function was lifted from my hobopolis suite for...
  5. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    They actually do much the same thing. There are three main differences: a) I use matchers while Theraze digs out what choice number you are on by hand (sorta) b) I exit gracefully out of choices set to 0. This means the script ends if you set something to 0 (normally it would open in a browser...
  6. G


    Ish. I have highlighted the two sections I want to clarify some potential misconceptions. Point 4: Log in with a different character, I shall assume. If not, you aren't understanding how mafia works -- it is logged in as you. It just intercepts communications made between you and the game and...
  7. G

    Feature - Rejected Prevent Hot tub use if HP is 95% or more

    It's not just an issue of over-protection that makes this potentially a problem. I think exceptions would be needed, and that could raise issues and a lot of discussion/negotiation. Coated in Slime is an effect that immediately occurs to me as something where you might want to visit the tub even...
  8. G

    Mafia stops receiving information

    Cool. If you still have issues after that, feel free to send me a copy of the script (or post it here) and I can try and work out what's going wrong. Good luck!
  9. G

    Mafia stops receiving information

    Indeed. If the problem is that while a chatbot script is running you can't get PMs, then that is not really a problem. It's an obvious necessity of the software. I assumed the issue was that a chatbot script had been set and PMs weren't arriving in the chat window. That was an issue that existed...
  10. G

    Mafia stops receiving information

    I thought I had fixed this. What revision are you using?
  11. G

    Easy (and probably dumb) question re: switch()

    I like the idea. Needs fixing, but otherwise a nice solution:
  12. G

    Bug - Fixed Inaccurate spleen tracking at low levels

    This seems to confuse a lot of people. AtGNAT: From the beginning: There are two .exe files. One of them is downloadable from the project site at sourceforge (here). It is currently called KoLmafia-14.3.exe. The second one is not downloadable from the daily builds page (here). It used to...
  13. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    That's true. It will. But this is to be used in the sewers, and the combat check means it will run_combat() on the monsters encountered if you are grating and have "2" in your preferences for all the non-grate non-combats.
  14. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    Two things: Firstly, that will loop (I think). You need to call your visit_url again within the repeat loop to redefine your string, otherwise your contains_text( sewers , ... ) will always return the same result. Secondly, choices need to be handled separately. Use a run_choice function (or...
  15. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    That looks good. I shall check it out and then make the change. Many thanks :-) To be honest, this code was written some time ago and, since it works, I haven't tried to improve it. The file it is a part of is rather large, and I avoid spending time rewriting to replicate existing functionality.
  16. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    I'm so sorry! I hadn't intended to confuse you. I just hadn't seen that form of expression before and was curious as to what it was doing. Turns out both of us got confused :-) One final thing (and please feel free to completely discount this if it is of no use to you). I notice that in your...
  17. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    Ohh, interesting. Makes sense. Cheers for that, V!
  18. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    Fair point. I apologise. However, I still don't think "int to_int( string x )" does anything: > ash string x = "9"; if( x > 10 ) print( "Done" ); Done Returned: true > ash string x = "9"; int to_int( string x ); if( x > 10 ) print( "Done" ); Done Returned: true So removing the line will...
  19. G

    map data corrupt somewhere

    Could you post the code? I am currently unable to replicate this. My first thought is that the size of the map is unlikely to be the issue. I wrote a script for someone in Senam's a while back to mimic the functionality of the clan manager's leaderboard generator (it requires too much memory to...
  20. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    I'm curious. Line 97: int to_int (string hoboGlyphs); What does this do? To demonstrate, type this into the CLI: ash string x = "12"; if( x > 10 ) print( "Done" ); I believe your code will work perfectly well without that line.