Mafia stops receiving information


It seems that while i am using mafia, it suddenly stops sending information. As in, it stops doing commands, like it would if i was offline. It returns blank pages, it runs commands, but doesn't do anything. Let's say that i put refresh all, it prints:
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Refreshing closet...
Retrieving campground data...
Retrieving storage list...
Session data refreshed.
But it really doesn't do anything.

This started just recently, never had this problem before
Just to be sure, have you double-checked that you have a working internet connection while the problem happens?
I can confirm this happening to me but with receiving information. Whenever I try to run a chatbot script, it will not recieve any PM's. When I restart mafia it will get them and process them normally however. It seems to me that mafia caches them rather than processing them the way it should and they only seem to get processed when mafia is restarted as a one off thing rather than as they come in.
Whenever I try to run a chatbot script, it will not recieve any PM's. When I restart mafia it will get them and process them normally however.

I had this problem but I found a solution. Go through your code and make sure that there are no places at all that the script could get hung waiting. If chatbotScript is currently processing (even in some sort of wait or infinite loop) no pms will -appear- until the current instance is finished, and private messages just build up in queue waiting.
I had this problem but I found a solution. Go through your code and make sure that there are no places at all that the script could get hung waiting. If chatbotScript is currently processing (even in some sort of wait or infinite loop) no pms will -appear- until the current instance is finished, and private messages just build up in queue waiting.

Indeed. If the problem is that while a chatbot script is running you can't get PMs, then that is not really a problem. It's an obvious necessity of the software. I assumed the issue was that a chatbot script had been set and PMs weren't arriving in the chat window. That was an issue that existed a month or so ago and that should have been fixed (indeed, as far as I'm aware, has been fixed).

My main concern is that two apparently separate issues don't get lumped together. They sound as if they have different root causes.
It seems that while i am using mafia, it suddenly stops sending information. As in, it stops doing commands, like it would if i was offline. It returns blank pages, it runs commands, but doesn't do anything. Let's say that i put refresh all, it prints:
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Refreshing closet...
Retrieving campground data...
Retrieving storage list...
Session data refreshed.
But it really doesn't do anything.

This started just recently, never had this problem before
I had this problem today, r8907. Refresh session did squat. The debug log attached shows what happened when I refreshed the session and this took about 1 second. However, slowly after this happened, other items that required web access slowly failed. First mafia, then Firefox, Trillian, until nothing was being detected on my local network. A restart fixed this. Possible culprit: Windows 7
Maybe mafia spazzing was an indication of another problem.


Thanks for the tip. There is a part in the script that could cause it to hang in some obscure situation. I'll try to have another go at the script. I am using the 8906 build. Will see if I can fix it tomorrow and let you know.
Thanks for the tip. There is a part in the script that could cause it to hang in some obscure situation. I'll try to have another go at the script. I am using the 8906 build. Will see if I can fix it tomorrow and let you know.

Cool. If you still have issues after that, feel free to send me a copy of the script (or post it here) and I can try and work out what's going wrong. Good luck!