Feature - Rejected Prevent Hot tub use if HP is 95% or more

This seems to fall into the realm of stupid things people do that they would KoLmafia to protect them from. Can you make a case for it?
It's not just an issue of over-protection that makes this potentially a problem. I think exceptions would be needed, and that could raise issues and a lot of discussion/negotiation. Coated in Slime is an effect that immediately occurs to me as something where you might want to visit the tub even at full health. There may be similar effects coming soon that we don't know about yet. I'm sure there are other current examples that are less immediately obvious to me. This could cause more harm than good.
This thread seems phenomenally worthless. What would you suggest something stupid sounding and then use the box you have to justify it to say "As the title says"?

If I type 'soak', I want to damn soak. I don't want anyone telling me I shouldn't.
If I don't want to use my hot tub for autorecovery, I'd set hot tub not to be used for autorecovery.
If I don't want to be recovering HP from 95%, I'd set my autorecovery to do that.

If there is a flaw here (I don't have any idea how it does this), it'd be in the value that Mafia ascribes to a soaking (since it is obviously a seperate resource to MP, meat and items - the other resources used to autorecover health).
Perhaps not -prevent-, but, in the Relay browser at least, a confirmation box (a la Clover popup, not Ascension check box) would be nice. I have accidentally clicked away quite a few hot tub uses in my day and having something be like "woah, dude, serious?" would be nice.
Seriously? Why would you go into the Hot Tub if you don't want to? Is it a common mis-click when you mean to play pool?
Seriously? Why would you go into the Hot Tub if you don't want to? Is it a common mis-click when you mean to play pool?

Go into? The game offers no confirmation of any sort, if you click the hot tub at all, you use it. (Unlike... every other clan item that conveys limited usefulness) Even if you have no status ailments and full HP. Could be a misclick for pool, could be just an odd timed click as the page is loaded from whatever your last action was, or even, as rare as it may occur, an accidental double click.