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  1. I

    Feature Count ascensions since rollover

    PR created:
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    Feature Count ascensions since rollover

    I think the biggest question is, do we increment it when we jump into the gash, or when we pick a path?
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    Feature - Rejected Add new property prefix for "Reset on rollover", not "Reset on ascension"

    Some properties are ones you want to persist across ascensions, but to be reset on a new kol day. Generally this falls under loop scripts, though potato alarm clock would also make use of this if it wasn't implemented already as it's a one/day item. Examples could be tracking daily profits...
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    Feature Count ascensions since rollover

    Currently there doesn't seem to be a way to track how many times the user has ascended since rollover. It'd be useful for a script as it means it can check what leg of their loop they should be running, as the alternative is either guessimating by their current state or to store a preference of...
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    Bug - Fixed chat_notify("ſģ","blue") prints "??" in chat logs

    I'd previously opened a PR about this to have the logs written in UTF-8, however every party involved became confused. So I'm opening this as a bug instead. When you send a message, you're limited to ISO-8859-1. Not sure on how KoL does it internally, but it will apply entity encoding to the...
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    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    Apparently? My familiar weight is 10, the skill is 5. Mafia thinks the total fam weight is 15. KoL clearly disagrees.
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    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    I'm a bit confused. Does this help? I'm wearing nothing, and the familiar has nothing equipped. > modtrace famil type source Familiar Weight Hidden Familiar Weight Familiar Tuning Muscle Familiar Tuning Mysticality Familiar Tuning Moxie Familiar Experience Familiar...
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    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    Is it possible that this change is the cause of recent lag spikes? I can do more investigation on my end, but I've noticed that with a scriptMRULength of 30, I was getting large freezes. Setting it to 5 has lowered the freezing. Not sure of the reason why, but...
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    Bug flyeredML Tracking Wrong

    Aha, I think I know what happened on my end. I checked my logs, when I'm doing lobsterfrogman backups. I'm running HOA Regulation book for -100 ML Round 2: Irrat uses the rock band flyers! Round 3: You lose 24 hit points Preference flyeredML changed from 923 to 1094 Which makes this not...
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    Bug flyeredML Tracking Wrong

    I have a monster manuel but still get the error, it's often off by a factor of 300. The only copier I do are four copies of lobster frog man
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    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    And yet the max weight is capped indeed.
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    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    As seen in the wiki link, a copy paste as follows.
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    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    I think this effects maximizer as well, meant to test it after breaking the prism but basically it doesn't remember the last maximizer string used.
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    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    Taking Trulliam the Mad Hatrack out of terrarium... Familiar weight: KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15 Requests complete. Putting Trulliam the Mad Hatrack back into terrarium... Taking Costume Rack the Homemade Robot out of terrarium... Familiar weight: KoL = 105 KoLmafia = 15 Their weight works...
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    Feature Add option to log CLI output to file

    Often there's quite a bit of info in cli that just doesn't make it to other logs, generally the missing information are all printed by scripts. Adding a new option to start logging cli into a folder could be an idea, I can't tell you how many times I'm trying to figure out exactly what...
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    Bug - Fixed Base max HP incorrect in Grey You

    In Grey You health is retrieved mainly from absorbs and equipment. However the absorbs for health isn't shown, so mafia must derive the max health using the current max health, then subtracting health modifiers. Which it doesn't do. Here is where it finds our base health. Here is where the base...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia always updates internals for June Cleaver's choices, even when its the same choice.

    Yeah, just checked and you're correct, I can't seem to reproduce without visit_url. Sorry for the trouble.
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    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia always updates internals for June Cleaver's choices, even when its the same choice.

    Sorry for the confusion. I meant that I'd already skipped it 5 times, so I have no more skips available. Though I glitched and didn't recognize that in my script, and still tried to skip it despite not having a skip. The skips isn't really relevant here. It's more that I encounter choice...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia always updates internals for June Cleaver's choices, even when its the same choice.

    I had the choices setup to select 4 (Skip) on the June Cleaver's NC, though I was out of skips. This obviously didn't work. But I noticed that the choice was being processed repeatedly, which would be a non-issue but that it was filling the queue with the same choice ID. I think the solution...
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    Updated the locket data with the sssshshfdhgdfhhgfdfdh, chef boy, and dolph. Not being able to wish for skeletal som would be a bug, but I'll leave it as it might be feasible to obtain.