Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot


Taking Trulliam the Mad Hatrack out of terrarium...
Familiar weight:    KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15
Requests complete.

Putting Trulliam the    Mad Hatrack back into terrarium...

Taking Costume Rack the Homemade    Robot out of terrarium...
Familiar weight: KoL = 105 KoLmafia = 15

Their weight works differently from other familiars, which is why I think it was skipped over.
For the Mad Hatrack, I'm ashamed to admit it but.. I was in my birthday suit.. Thus the weight of 1.

Homemade Robot is now covered. You may need to manually set your homemadeRobotUpgrades pref to see that reflected. How is Mad Hatrack weight calculation different from other familiars?
Homemade Robot is now covered. You may need to manually set your homemadeRobotUpgrades pref to see that reflected. How is Mad Hatrack weight calculation different from other familiars?
As seen in the wiki link, a copy paste as follows.

The Hatrack is affected normally by its base weight and familiar buffs, but its weight is capped depending on hat power.
  • If a hat with a power of 200 is equipped or no hat is equipped, there is no buffed weight cap for the Hatrack.
  • Otherwise, the weight is capped at floor(Hat power / 4).
  • Unbuffed weight cap of 20 still applies for any hat.
So weight is calculated normally by square rooting the experience
Right but that doesn't really explain "KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15" for it. I need more information on your account state at that time.
Right but that doesn't really explain "KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15" for it. I need more information on your account state at that time.
I'm a bit confused.

Does this help? I'm wearing nothing, and the familiar has nothing equipped.

> modtrace famil

type source Familiar Weight Hidden Familiar Weight Familiar Tuning Muscle Familiar Tuning Mysticality Familiar Tuning Moxie Familiar Experience Familiar Action Bonus Familiar Weight Percent Familiar Damage Familiar Weight Cap
Skill Amphibian Sympathy +5.00 = +5.00

> js familiarWeight(myFamiliar())

Returned: 10
Familiar weight: KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15
So amphibian sympathy doesn't affect it?
If the mad hatrack has no equipment on it, then it will have a max (buffed) weight of 1. Same with the fancypants scarecrow.

Mafia does not report a mismatch as long as the hatrack / scarecrow are equipped with gear that sets the max familiar weight.

An example of how that's done in modifiers.txt:
Item    1337 7r0uZ0RZ    Muscle: +6, Moxie: -3, Familiar Effect: "2xPotato, cap 27"
Right so we just need an unequipped hatrack to max at 1? Easy
The wiki says that no hat means there is no buffed weight cap?
With no equipment:
Charles Cod-Pease II, the 1 pound Fancypants Scarecrow

With Drunkula's silky pants equipped:
Charles Cod-Pease II, the 462 pound Fancypants Scarecrow

(copy-pasted from charpane)

Weight cap is floor(power / 4), with no cap for items with power >= 200.

Same results for hatrack.
So the base weight for the Mad Hatrack is equal to the power of the pants, or 1 with no pants equipped? That's not on the wiki strangely.
This is now resolved