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  1. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Just a heads up: I do most of my playing and coding during down time at work and there is currently way too much to do there so I have very little time to do either. As such I may not notice things breaking horribly due to mafia or kol changes. In case of such breakage please post about it and...
  2. Winterbay

    Script Request - Giving back to the community

    Change "for user in" to "foreach user in" and I think that should work.
  3. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    That is an unfortunate side effect of mafia having an autostop at that adventure.
  4. Winterbay

    ManageStore and CFStat - Weed out your store

    I had intended to post on this, but then I forgot... I use both OCD and ManageStore very infrequently and would probably also not like to have to recategorise the items that I no long remember what I had them set up as. Printing a log of what should be removed and what it suggest I do with it is...
  5. Winterbay

    Think I might have messed something up again :(

    I tend to edit away infinite loops from my logs when I notice them since they make reading the log horrible...
  6. Winterbay

    Think I might have messed something up again :(

    All my logs since 2012 are roughly 1 GB. And then I zipped them so they take up like 40MB instead...
  7. Winterbay

    OCD Inventory control

    Also, if everyone thinks that way it pretty soon stops being true :)
  8. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    i've been meaning ro add in more of Mafias tracking but never got very far. I thinkbit is probaböy a good idea.
  9. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Is the zone it's trying to go to open? I think ladt time I had a similar error it was because it thought it has enough stench res for the bata but in fact hadn't.
  10. Winterbay

    Feature - Implemented Having an option to put Hangks consumables into the appropriate tabs in Item Manager

    Well if you don't know how much food and drink you'll pull and set it to 20 but don't want any maximize commands to pull things you do need to reset that to 0 when you're done.
  11. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    From today's run of the script: Level 13 Starting BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair0]. BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair0]. BCC: Please get barbed-wire fence for telescope part 7 from 'Moxie Vacation' yourself BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0]...
  12. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I'm going to hazard a guess that the offending item was the NG. But mine keep crashing on the shore item which is silly.
  13. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I guess we could abort if we detect it has not been removed after one adventure with it but I guess that will still make moods fail.
  14. Winterbay

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    What does the maximizer window have as the string when it does that and what things are being suggested?
  15. Winterbay

    Missing tabs on KoLmafia page

    Why not just use the "New Posts" function at the top which will do a search and show only threads which have new posts in them?
  16. Winterbay

    New Content Update modifiers.txt for hatracks and scarecrows

    It will probably go faster if the new items and effects were collated somewhere...
  17. Winterbay

    A couple miscellaneous questions

    Getting the URL from an action in KOL can be done relatively fast and easy by using the mini-browser and performing the action and then noticing what the resulting URL in the browser address bar is.
  18. Winterbay

    extraction.ash - Automated Gene Extraction

    Is the syringe in batfactors? If it isn't batbrain won't do anything.
  19. Winterbay

    Bug - Fixed Hair oil actually gives the KOLHS Slicked-Back Do effect, not the AOSP effect

    In what way is an intrinsic from one challenge path and one effect from a skill in another in any way related to an IotM?
  20. Winterbay

    session results

    I'm pretty certain there isn't one.