New Content Update modifiers.txt for hatracks and scarecrows


Active member
With the plethora of new items, there are new hats and pants for hatracks and scarecrows to wear, respectively. It'd be nice to see the appropriate files get updated with the new gear. Thanks!
With the plethora of new items, there are new hats and pants for to wear, respectively. It'd be nice to see the appropriate files get updated with the new gear. Thanks!

It will probably go faster if the new items and effects were collated somewhere...
It was one of those "Hey noticed! Don't have time... Grrr. Record!" But I mamanged to whip up a little script to go thorugh them:
print("Hatrack needs:");
foreach i in $items[] if(to_slot(i)==$slot[hat] && string_modifier(i,"Familiar Effect")=="") print(i);
print("Scarecrow needs:");
foreach i in $items[] if(to_slot(i)==$slot[pants] && string_modifier(i,"Familiar Effect")=="") print(i);
Gave me these results:
Hatrack needs:
Mer-kin headguard
Mer-kin facecowl
Crown of Thrones
googly-ball hat
googly-heart hat
Hat O' Nine Tails
green cloth cap
makeshift yakuza mask
Jarlsberg's hat
hangman's hood
All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig
warbear plain fedora
warbear feathered fedora
warbear fancy fedora
warbear plain helm
warbear spiked helm
warbear electro-spiked helm
warbear plain ushanka
warbear lined ushanka
warbear heated ushanka
warbear foil hat
Hairpiece On Fire
warbear dress helmet
lemon party hat
plain paper hat
lynyrdskin cap

Scarecrow needs:
Leapin' Trousers
The Sagittarian's leisure pants
warbear party pants
warbear ceremonial party pants
warbear high festival pants
warbear battle greaves
warbear officer greaves
warbear bearserker greaves
warbear long johns
warbear fleece-lined long johns
warbear electric long johns
Vicar's Tutu
warbear dress greaves
gym shorts
weasel stomping pants
lemon drop trousers
fire hose
red silk skirt
lynyrdskin breeches
I know the Crown of Thrones doesn't get anything, but it comes up. Hope it helps!
foreach it in $familiars[] { if ( string_modifier("Throne:"+it,"Evaluated Modifiers") == "" ) print_html( it ); }
can be used to check familiars. That mostly gives familiars that can't go in the CoT though.
Gave me these results:

Hope it helps!

I'm probably being pushy, but would you go through the wiki and provide the modifiers for each of those items? I'm sure it would be motivational to the devs to add it if they don't have to search the big table of modifiers.
It's not pushy so much as... a reasonable request. If I get time. End of semester coming up and I have to run scripts to burn turns.
I was about to tackle this, but the first 3 hats I tried checking have no entry on the hatrack wiki page. So the first step is apparently spading what these hats do. And probably pants for the scarecrow.
I was about to tackle this, but the first 3 hats I tried checking have no entry on the hatrack wiki page. So the first step is apparently spading what these hats do. And probably pants for the scarecrow.

Yeah, I looked at it. About 2-3 things on the list are spaded on the wiki.