Feature - Implemented Having an option to put Hangks consumables into the appropriate tabs in Item Manager

So I haven't played SC in a while, but now that I am doing so, I realized it'd be really nice to have the option to show Hangk's Food, Booze, or Spleen items in the appropriate Item Manager tabs because of the way it sorts things by best available. There should be some indication that the item requires a "pull", and once all pulls are used up, the items could be greyed out.

Just an idea, but I think it'd be a very handy thing.
This is such a great idea, it already exists :-)

Go to the item manager, click on "storage", and give KoLmafia a budget to use by entering a number into the appropriate entry field in the lower right.

Once you've done that, KoLmafia will show you available items in the Food/Booze/Spleen sections. They will be written in italics to distinguish them from the non-pulled stuff.

If you don't want KoLmafia's usual acquiration mechanism to consider Hangsk's too, you can set the budget to 0 again after you've eaten/drunk/spleened.
If you don't want KoLmafia's usual acquiration mechanism to consider Hangsk's too, you can set the budget to 0 again after you've eaten/drunk/spleened.

KoLmafia decrements budget every time it pulls an item, so it will set itself to 0 once you've used up the budgeted pulls.
KoLmafia decrements budget every time it pulls an item, so it will set itself to 0 once you've used up the budgeted pulls.

Well if you don't know how much food and drink you'll pull and set it to 20 but don't want any maximize commands to pull things you do need to reset that to 0 when you're done.