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  1. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    When I kept going out of MP playing Myst classes, /hc chat recommended doing up to and including lvl5 as a Melee. By then you start to be unable to hit the monsters with weapons with the basic Moxie and Muscle that you have and spells are powerful enough from Myst and gear. Could perhaps solve...
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Just curious but what happened to the auto-usage of Milk of Magnesium? The script used to go get a Milk of Magnesium from the Mall, but now even when I got some in my inventory it still prompt me if I am sure that I want to eat without it.
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I do, but I admit to not having put much thought into setting it up more than what is absolutly neccesary :o
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I cant find the Do Not Go To The Temple setting in the relay and I even tried to re-download the v0.1 from the sourceforge =S Would love it though! If there is something that make me go broke each muscle run it is healing during the temple. <3 More pewpew to the people =D
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    Bug - Fixed Mafia's chat repost when doing multi-post entries

    Awsume, I was afraid that I had spammed Radiobubear to no end there =S
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I made a post about it on the Sourceforge page a while back asking for it as a feature but it got rejected. =/ I suggested that while I don't have a shield (which is why Offhand is left empty, the +shield part leave the slot empty) the Maximize should consider a 2-hander or 2 1-handers.
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    Bug - Fixed Mafia's chat repost when doing multi-post entries

    Nothing in the headlines on the first 5 pages with the word "chat" in them seem to be what I'm about to bugreport so here goes: I wrote a looong PM to radiobugbear and I was a happy camper knowing that Mafia's chat support chopping my message into multiple entries for me so I dont have to...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Ahhh troo. Still not used to all the implications of having the Fax machine!
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    3) reserving the shield for spanglerack even if I am a class other than AT which means I cannot get the spangly sombrero (not to mention, why even have that logic in there at all if the script dont even get close to doing the Nemesis quests?)
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Hmm, the script used to skip Sugar Shield for any familiar that is not the Bander. now it is not using it at all =S
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Ohh I just found why the script stop at lvl5 when going to kill the Knob King! I got the 1k meat oven early this run to see if I could be preemptive, but the script still got stuck. When setting "require in-a-boxen" to false in the Item Manager the script proceeded with creating the knob cake...
  12. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    About pulverize, there is the Junk list. The player can just click Cleanup and it will autosell and pulverize and use the coin purses etc.
  13. F

    bumcheekascend.ash - Relay Script

    When you have the relay file in the relay folder, go to Mafia, click the Load in Web Browserbutton (2nd to the Left on the big row of buttons. At least for me) and then on the top frame with all the quick-links there is a dropdown saying something like -run script-. There you should find...
  14. F

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Volcano Solve not working

    Ahhh, fair enough. Maybe some indication that this will happen to avoid extra bugreports? Or make the return automated?
  15. F

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Volcano Solve not working

    I had a problem as well the other day with the Built-in solver. I just got to the volcano and found that Solve button, clicked it and it said I was not at the start and would have to dive into the lava and run it again. I did that, even though I was at the start, and clicked the solver again and...
  16. F

    Feature - Rejected add functionality to auto-reprice to ignore items with limits

    I thought Mafia only worked with the 5th cheapest item in the mall just to try to avoid all the cheap limited stores, someone said something about it being hardcoded into Mafia. Or did I read that wrong? Or was that just some script and I got it all confused?
  17. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Yup, tested that without Mafia. Putting on an outfit where a part of it was used by the Disembodied Hand resulted in an error message that I might not have it. Wierd though that I have never had that issue before. Last Basement dive was as a Moxieclass though so I guess the outfits behaved...
  18. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    It happened while running the script so I assumed it was the script. When I think it is Mafia it is the script and when I think it is the script it is Mafia.. =( At least this time I checked Bug Report forum first :o
  19. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I made a post about this on SourceForge but as ususal, I want to make additions. KoLMafia get an unexpected error and print a debug log whenever I need to level up a bit. r9139, BCCAscend v19 as a Seal Clubber. Debug log posted along with my note on SourceForge. It got the error when the script...
  20. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    If the hat is moved from the Hatrack to my head and then replaced with another hat, is that a bad thing to be able to do easily without having to first unequip the hat, put it on my head and then put the new hat on the hatrack? Hmm, I'm away from my KoLMafia atm, but a thought occurs, what...