Bug - Cannot Reproduce Volcano Solve not working


When i got mafia to autosolve the volcano puzzle it displayed this in mafia:
Current position: 6,12 on map 1
Move to: 7,12 on map 1
Map #2 has 31 platforms
64 total platforms seen.
Move to: 8,12 on map 2
Map #3 has 32 platforms
96 total platforms seen.
Move to: 9,11 on map 3
Map #4 has 39 platforms
135 total platforms seen.
Move to: 8,10 on map 4
Map #5 has 34 platforms
169 total platforms seen.
Paths examined/made 158/159 ->solution with 47 hops.
Map says goal is on square 3, not 84

When i looked at the image it looked like this

As you can see for some reason there are only 3 images
That the first and only time I've ever heard of that. I would say that KoL glitched on you. In fact, the error message you reported indicates precisely that: "Map says goal is on square 3, not 84".
I had a problem as well the other day with the Built-in solver. I just got to the volcano and found that Solve button, clicked it and it said I was not at the start and would have to dive into the lava and run it again. I did that, even though I was at the start, and clicked the solver again and this time it worked.

A bit Offtopic: Feature request - some sort of progressionbar for this. What I could see, nothing at all happened. Nothing in the browser and nothing in the CLI. Some indication that it is jumping around?

Found the part in my sessionlog:
[2731] The Nemesis' Lair

Visiting the lava maze
Hopping from 6,12 to 7,12
Hopping from 7,12 to 8,12
Hopping from 8,12 to 9,11
Hopping from 9,11 to 9,12

Visiting the lava maze
Swimming back to shore
You lose 1,097 hit points
Hopping from 6,12 to 7,12
Hopping from 7,12 to 8,12
Hopping from 8,12 to 7,11
Hopping from 7,11 to 8,11
Hopping from 8,11 to 9,10
Hopping from 9,10 to 10,9
Hopping from 10,9 to 10,8
Hopping from 10,8 to 9,7
Hopping from 9,7 to 10,6
Hopping from 10,6 to 10,5
Hopping from 10,5 to 10,4
Hopping from 10,4 to 11,3
Hopping from 11,3 to 10,2
Hopping from 10,2 to 9,1
Hopping from 9,1 to 8,0
Hopping from 8,0 to 9,0
Hopping from 9,0 to 10,0
Hopping from 10,0 to 11,0
Hopping from 11,0 to 12,1
Hopping from 12,1 to 12,2
Hopping from 12,2 to 12,3
Hopping from 12,3 to 12,4
Hopping from 12,4 to 11,5
Hopping from 11,5 to 11,6
Hopping from 11,6 to 12,7
Hopping from 12,7 to 12,8
Hopping from 12,8 to 12,9
Hopping from 12,9 to 12,10
Hopping from 12,10 to 12,11
Hopping from 12,11 to 11,12
Hopping from 11,12 to 10,12
Hopping from 10,12 to 10,11
Hopping from 10,11 to 10,10
Hopping from 10,10 to 9,9
Hopping from 9,9 to 8,9
Hopping from 8,9 to 7,10
Hopping from 7,10 to 6,10
Hopping from 6,10 to 5,9
Hopping from 5,9 to 4,10
Hopping from 4,10 to 3,9
Hopping from 3,9 to 3,8
Hopping from 3,8 to 3,7
Hopping from 3,7 to 2,6
Hopping from 2,6 to 1,6
Hopping from 1,6 to 0,5
Hopping from 0,5 to 1,4
Hopping from 1,4 to 2,3
Hopping from 2,3 to 2,4
Hopping from 2,4 to 1,3
Hopping from 1,3 to 0,3
Hopping from 0,3 to 1,2
Hopping from 1,2 to 1,1
Hopping from 1,1 to 2,0
Hopping from 2,0 to 3,1
Hopping from 3,1 to 4,1
Hopping from 4,1 to 5,2
Hopping from 5,2 to 6,2
Hopping from 6,2 to 7,2
Hopping from 7,2 to 8,3
Hopping from 8,3 to 7,3
Hopping from 7,3 to 6,3
Hopping from 6,3 to 5,4
Hopping from 5,4 to 6,5

Visiting the lava maze
Hopping from 6,5 to 6,6

[2731] The Nemesis' Lair
Encounter: Gorgolok, the Infernal Seal
That's expected, you can make a few random jumps to figure out the images then get stuck in a dead end.
I had a problem as well the other day with the Built-in solver.
That is normal. If I remember correctly, Mafia will hop randomly a couple of times so it can see how the platforms move and compute a solution (the solutions aren't hardcoded). You sometimes get stuck after the first random moves, so you have to swim back before Mafia can execute the solution it found.

EDIT: Ninja'd
Well, the swim back costs, health at the very least... so automating it could cause bad things to happen if you jump back with low health. Would be depressing to get beat up because the system automatically decided to swim back, especially if the sidepane ends up not updating until after the next fight (with your nemesis) starts, so you don't realize you're going to fight them with the health you have and you waste another adventure... Eh. More messages aren't a bad thing though... maybe a message that says that you'll need to swim back manually when it fails.

tl;dr: Current behaviour of not automating the jump is safer.
It would be nice if Mafia gave some kind of output for when it is solving the maze as well (apart from the "X/Y squares identified") so that you know it's doing something. That pending state is always worrisome.
Well ... you could, by now, automate solving the 6 (actually, 3 plus mirrored) maps that exist of this thingy instead of trying out all the time.

This thing is just now giving me a hard time because it jumps exactly 1 field and then stops, telling me it couldn't discover more platforms.
I guess it got a hiccup when during the first solving round, some platforms stopped loading (the "you are here" platform suddenly didn't show up anymore). Swimming back, trying to get this solve button to work, logging out in between and using the newest mafia created 2 rather messy logs ...

Could it be that the solver also does not recognize the manual hops I'm making?

Also, is there any way to reset mafia's record of "progress" on this so it actually starts exploring from zero after I've swam back to shore? It seems to have some garbage stored somewhere just now ...

edit: Oops, this thread is a little bit older ... was the only one on the topic that was returned by the search for "volcano" though ...
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Well ... you could, by now, automate solving the 6 (actually, 3 plus mirrored) maps that exist of this thingy instead of trying out all the time.
Not going to happen.

I guess it got a hiccup when during the first solving round, some platforms stopped loading (the "you are here" platform suddenly didn't show up anymore).
That would confuse things.

Could it be that the solver also does not recognize the manual hops I'm making?
Perhaps. Usually, KoLmafia watches manual actions in the Relay Browser and gleans what it can, but the Volcano Maze has complicated enough state that it needs to maintain that perhaps it doesn't do that.

If I recall, when you visit the maze, it shows you one of the 5 layouts (always the first?) and when you move, it gets updates in JSON. It has been years since I spent any time on that code. It is cold. I don't recall.

Also, is there any way to reset mafia's record of "progress" on this so it actually starts exploring from zero after I've swam back to shore? It seems to have some garbage stored somewhere just now ...
This is your best bet.

set volcanoMaze1=
set volcanoMaze2=
set volcanoMaze3=
set volcanoMaze4=
set volcanoMaze5=
Thanks, will try that next time.

@lostcalpolydude: With the older version (r11300), the only manual step I did was "swim back to shore" which usually works well enough. Just here it always stopped after 1 step, which is why I decided to try out most recent version, and some manual steps ...
And why should this not be native behaviour?
There is obviously a button that says "solve" so it's obviously already an offer to spoil the whole thing and just get you to the end point of this riddle. Where is the point in being stuck repeatedly because some randomizer chose to take the wrong step, and losing HP afterwards? You can't really see what it's doing, all you see that at some point you stand in the middle of nowhere and cannot move - again and again. And yes, it does that even when every part of the maze is loading perfectly fine.

Either that button does what it says - solving the whole thing - or it should not be labelled "solve."

Will have a look at that script, thanks.
You mean, like there were suddenly more ways to solve that heavy door riddle to the NS's chamber? Oh wait, there weren't.

Don't get me wrong, this thing would probably be great as a spading function if they ever DID add more mazes.
I just don't understand why it can't just store somewhere in the global settings or something what it has learned already, or something along those lines. After a number of ascensions, it would just know all current mazes and could just follow old paths, and would need to spade new ones only IF there were actually any new ones added.
Seriously, I like warmth, but these are simply too many too hot baths.

Stupid page loading issue, I should have just stayed away from this thread and done the clicks manually from my own notes, just as usual ...
And why should this not be native behaviour?
Because I chose to write an algorithm which will solve ANY maze, rather than have six specific mazes built-in and fail when a new maze is added.

You are aware that Riff was originally planning on periodically adding new mazes, right? And that the reason he decided not to spend time doing that is specifically because I wrote a general solver, rather than simply kludging in solutions to the six original mazes?

Oh, you didn't know that? Huh.

There is obviously a button that says "solve" so it's obviously already an offer to spoil the whole thing and just get you to the end point of this riddle. Where is the point in being stuck repeatedly because some randomizer chose to take the wrong step, and losing HP afterwards?
I'm sure what your REALLY meant was: "9 times out of 10, 5 random first moves not only reveal the whole map, but leave you at a spot from which it can continue to the center. Sometimes, however, you end up stuck and have to swim back, losing a few HP. In that situation, however, the whole maze has been seen, so KoLmafia will take you unerringly to the center next time."

Except, apparently, when your flaky internet connection (or whatever it was) resulted in corrupted data being returned from KoL, which apparently has happened once to you and never to anybody else in the world in all the years we've had this code in place.

You are aware that there are people who otherwise do not use KoLmafia, but who start it up just to have it do the maze for them, right? And we have never, ever, had a report of it failing to work before this one?

Oh, you didn't know that? Huh.

You can't really see what it's doing, all you see that at some point you stand in the middle of nowhere and cannot move - again and again. And yes, it does that even when every part of the maze is loading perfectly fine.
I am so sorry this happened to you once.

However, your hyperbole does not make me want to lift a finger to look at the code again, in order to make it recover better in case this happens again to someone, somewhere in the world, with a flaky Internet connection, however many years from now.

Either that button does what it says - solving the whole thing - or it should not be labelled "solve."
Well, since you say so, obviously it must be true. I guess I'm going to run off and relabel the button "take 5 random moves to look at and learn all 5 states of the maze and and then usually go on to navigate the rest of the maze in one press, but maybe you will have to swim back and then it will navigate to the center for you the second time you press this".

Oh, wait - no. I disagree with your statement, so I don't feel obligated to do that. Whew.

You are aware that Riff was originally planning on periodically adding new mazes, right? And that the reason he decided not to spend time doing that is specifically because I wrote a general solver, rather than simply kludging in solutions to the six original mazes?

I remember that. I also remember a lot of other times the devs said they were planning on expanding content and did not do so because they are overworked and it would be boring. Personally I think that Riff was never really going to add those mazes simply because it would have been troublesome. Though I suppose it might have happened, so I cannot completely remove your credit for it.

Though I have to say I admire the general solver. I don't care if it actually stopped Riff or not since it was much more clever. Good going!