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  1. dangerpin

    Java Version 6 Update 11

    I'm running 6.11 with no issues on the latest version, there must be more to it than just upgrading to 6.11. Maybe you have a firewall or security product that you had exclusions for that you need to tell about the new version of javaw.exe?
  2. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    I just used it this morning on the latest daily and it worked like a charm. Can you give more information? What does your GCLI output look like?
  3. dangerpin


    This That being said you say you have tried to make it work. Why not upload what you have with info on exactly what you are trying to do and the exact error you are getting and someone may be able to help you whip it into shape.
  4. dangerpin

    New Theme and Bug Report forum

    It actually works worse on my display. Where yours looks blacked out, mine looks like a visual representation of morse code...all dots and dashes. I wonder if there is a way to tweak the settings of just that one part of the theme. I really enjoy the other elements of it.
  5. dangerpin

    New Theme and Bug Report forum

    This is pretty cool! It seems a bit easier to read and I love the penguin.
  6. dangerpin

    Item loss bug in Mafia

    Saucybandit probably means the Entryway (Lucky or Unlucky) quest pulldown. I, myself, have accidently hit the Tower quest pulldown when I meant to use the Entryway quest and never had it lose a thing, so I don't think that is the root of the problem. The stone tablets cannot be traded...
  7. dangerpin

    Where to do bug report and upload debug log?

    You should follow the directions in the debug log. If you are using the latest daily builds (and you should be if you want to send in a bug report, generally), it should give you the info to send it to Veracity.
  8. dangerpin

    Small bugs & Feature Request

    What ever happened to the idea of potentially using some of the Combat Action Bar JSON data area for storage of preferences? I know the idea was being batted around early last year, and it seems like the perfect solution for mafia as it offered about 64k of storage. I've been using the USB...
  9. dangerpin

    Mafia opening wrong browser!

    As I'm Lost would say, if you're using mafia, and it starts using IE instead of Firefox even though Firefox is the default browser on your system, type into the CLI "set preferredWebBrowser=firefox". If that doesn't work, use "set preferredWebBrowser=C:\\Program Files\\firefox.exe" (use the...
  10. dangerpin

    MMG Martingale script

    Very cool beans, Z. I found a minor bug if (amt > 100000000) print("Chain maxed out past 100000000. You are very, very, very unlucky.","red"); should be changed to if (amt > 100000000) print("Chain maxed out past 100000000. You are very, very, very dumb.","red"); :P
  11. dangerpin

    Filthy pirates

    You aren't confronted by the Step Up to the Table adventure until after you use the blueprints. Isn't it simpler just to hold off on using the blueprints until after you have hit the % of known insults that you desire?
  12. dangerpin

    Modern castlefarming script

    I think the plan was to release a few days later to include the new IOTM and such.
  13. dangerpin

    Modern castlefarming script

    Well it is over a year old, even in it's last revision. I is completely possible it needs a rebuild.
  14. dangerpin

    No more Auto-Buy Chewing Gum in The Sewer?

    Is it possible that you don't have "Buy items from NPC stores whenever needed" checked in your preferences. I found a while back that I had to go and recheck it after one of the updates.
  15. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    Thank you Bale! I saved that to a text file in my Maximize directory, for future use.
  16. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    You forgot "adventures". Also, wasn't there a change where the percent ones no longer apply?
  17. dangerpin

    Firefox 2 Updates = No Mas

    More bad news, they disabled the Phishing Detection in that version as well. I guess it required some server-side processing and the servers are to be repurposed. Well, the good news is that 3.0.4 runs nearly as fast and works fine with Mafia.
  18. dangerpin

    KoLmafia Praise

    Before changes to the game borked Mafia, I have to say it was amazing to me just how well it was working, how fast it was running and how fantastic it is to have all the new features. I had planned on saying it sooner, but I thought it was even more important to say it in light of these...
  19. dangerpin

    How to cycle through all items, or locations, or etc.

    You get cooler every day, Jason.
  20. dangerpin

    Ambition - Creating an MMG Script for KoLMafia

    From this thread,1122.0.html bet.php?pwd&action=makebet&from=0&howmuch=%% and bet.php?pwd&action=makebet&howmuch=1000&from=0&confirm=on where 1 is hagnks and 0 is from your current meat and 1000 was the bet amount