Mafia opening wrong browser!


New member
I'm a bit confuzzled here. I recently reset my laptop to factory defaults, reinstalled all my stuffs, and so on.

I pretty much only use Firefox, and within it's options it is set as my Default Browser.

So, I open a firefox window, open mafia, click on the relay browser icon and it opens an IE window??!?!?!?

Anyone have any thoughts on where this is going off the tracks?
As I'm Lost would say, if you're using mafia, and it starts using IE instead of Firefox even though Firefox is the default browser on your system, type into the CLI "set preferredWebBrowser=firefox". If that doesn't work, use "set preferredWebBrowser=C:\\Program Files\\firefox.exe" (use the appropriate path if it's different than that one).

FYI, I typed the word "browser" into the search at the top of the page and came up with these threads that answered your question;,2005.0.html,2033.0.html,730.msg5741.html#msg5741,1853.0.html,1791.0.html

Typing the word "firefox" came up with a similar list.

Happy computing!
Thank you!
set preferredWebBrowser=firefox did it.

I run mafia on both my PC and my Laptop, and when I switch between computers I copy the Mafia directory over; so I was just really confused that it was only on my laptop that IE was being opened.

Again thank you for a great program and the fix to my strange problem.