Search results

  1. StDoodle

    Thingamabobs and Ingots

    foreach in items if get_ingredients() contains?
  2. StDoodle

    No MP Restoratives in Combat

    Avatar of Zombie Boris would be pretty awesome... or would it be Zombie Avatar of Boris? Zombie Avatar of Zombie Boris? Zombie Avatar zombie of Zombie Boris?
  3. StDoodle

    No MP Restoratives in Combat

    Of course, the real question is how you're getting and using horde for smash & graaargh in Avatar of Boris! :P
  4. StDoodle

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Zarqon; 1) Is "std_NegativeStatusEffects.txt" useful to anyone? I could swear there was easier access to that one somehow, but haven't honestly looked into such things for a good while. Neat to see "pluralMonsters.txt" is still in use (and updated by others). Though, a $monster[] proxy for...
  5. StDoodle

    urls & relays & make_url(), oh my!

    Yeah, but this is a slippery-slope. I've been more of a "documentation" guy forever, and some scripting, despite how long I've been hangin' around here. Now you've got me analyzing debug logs, what's next? Combing through the source? Blasphemy! :P Thanks for the help, that verbose setting is...
  6. StDoodle

    urls & relays & make_url(), oh my!

    Ok, got it working. For later, when I have time to put this up and save myself some headache on the next round (:D), here's what needs to be known: 1) You need to use the 3-parameter version in a relay script if you might possibly maybe use any ampersands in any way. I'm sure there are...
  7. StDoodle

    urls & relays & make_url(), oh my!

    Hmm... how does one verbosely log HTTP communication? Edit to add: they started out as the 1-parameter version, and I played around with them... that's just the latest incarnation.
  8. StDoodle

    urls & relays & make_url(), oh my!

    I'm stumped; I have two scripts, one a "regular" script and one a relay script, for sending kmails / gifts (with functions borrowed and trimmed from zlib, natch). The regular script operates perfectly, and sends things to people as expected. The relay script, however, seems to bork the form...
  9. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented Bare Bones Browser Launch

    I've done the same in the past; when I first moved to Chrome, I was still too dependent on some (as-yet unusable in Chrome) extensions for Firefox, and used that for KoLmafia only.
  10. StDoodle

    Feature ash from chat macros

    Hmm... you know, I'm not sure I'm following this thread at all correctly...
  11. StDoodle

    Feature ash from chat macros

    As of the last time I tried, attempting to set a chat macro to use "/run" failed... and I'm not quite sure there's a way around that on the mafia end.
  12. StDoodle

    Feature - Rejected event sub tab in choice adventures 's tab

    Oh, ok, that makes more sense. The "from an event" part of the OP made me think the proposal was to put all limited-time stuff in such a location. Haven't actually done anything with this thing yet, so I dunno how it works. But yeah, a tab for choice adventures that can't otherwise be accessed...
  13. StDoodle

    Feature - Rejected event sub tab in choice adventures 's tab

    Thing is, it's gonna get waaaay cluttered if all holidays go there. Maybe an "Unrecognized" tab, that lists all choice adv. numbers or other scrape-able info just until they get zone assignments?
  14. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Ascending makes Mafia freeze

    You might think that, after posting here, I'd remember to turn on debugging before jumping the gash. But you'd be wrong!
  15. StDoodle

    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    Well, there was a note on his page for a while, can't remember the exact wording, but it gave the impression that the script wouldn't be maintained at nearly the same level. Since no one else here has or could easily expect to get access to the site-dependent code, it would mean a great deal of...
  16. StDoodle

    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    Well, I feel there is value to putting the snapshot up where it can be looked at by people who don't use mafia. Ideally, I think, we'd have a way to grab the data from somewhere on and just have raw access, format it for display in the relay browser, or actually visit a page here and...
  17. StDoodle

    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    Between this and BCC, I'm wondering if perhaps begging and pleading with fewyn is in order...
  18. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Ascending makes Mafia freeze

    Yeah, I keep meaning to start a debug log, and then remembering right after my new ascension starts... blech. Also, for the record I have a choice.ash.bak (Notepad++ made I believe) but no choice.ash.
  19. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Ascending makes Mafia freeze

    I was fine my first couple zombie runs, then had three (I think freeze), then this last one was fine. I honestly couldn't tell for sure if it was mafia, but started getting suspicious by the third. One of those times, mafia failed to reset my level 12 sidequest progress, but the others were...
  20. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Dungeon Parser

    RE: Change to version 1.6 Previously, most, but not all, of what was presented in the summary forum post was controlled in the dungeon's data file, so you could use phpbb style tags, raw html, whatever, with no need to change the actual code of the script. Except, I neglected to do that in one...