Feature - Rejected event sub tab in choice adventures 's tab

mad dudy

Add a new sub tab under the item sub tab for any choice adventures that's from an event. I think it would be good to have so there is a place to put choice adventures for events like the one we're having now and any other events to come. Also older choice's from older events wont take up space in the zone tab.
This is not a bad idea.

It has been bothering me that there is no sane place to put the current choice adventure in the GUI.
Thing is, it's gonna get waaaay cluttered if all holidays go there. Maybe an "Unrecognized" tab, that lists all choice adv. numbers or other scrape-able info just until they get zone assignments?
In a bit of awkward interface design, the "zone" sub-tab is context-sensitive to the area you've selected in the adventure select panel, whereas the "item" sub-tab is not context-sensitive. An event sub-tab should probably be context-sensitive, but man is that clunky in terms of intuitive UI.

The "item" tab is likely the offender and should probably be reworked or moved somewhere, but I'll have to think on where.
The idea is to have a tab for choice adventures that are not connected to locations. If it was connected to a locatino then it wouldn't need a new place to exist.

This isn't connected to an item either, so it would seem odd on the item tab.
Oh, ok, that makes more sense. The "from an event" part of the OP made me think the proposal was to put all limited-time stuff in such a location. Haven't actually done anything with this thing yet, so I dunno how it works. But yeah, a tab for choice adventures that can't otherwise be accessed, other than on the cli, seems like a useful thing.
Support for the current event's choice adventures 612 and 613 hasn't been added. That's why they never appear (and that's why they don't have spoilers when you're in the relay browser). It's also why you have to use the gCLI to set them.

Every other supported choice adventure is associated with a zone. The zone used for events is "Events".

As Roippi explained, what appears on the "Choice Advs" tab -> "Zone" sidetab is controlled by whatever location is currently selected. To get "Event" choice adventures to appear, simply select an Event location.

To be coherent, if we added an "Event" side-tab, we would need to add a side-tab for every other zone.
To get "Event" choice adventures to appear, simply select an Event location.

Ohhh right. That's more logical than adding a dedicated tab for it.

I'm going to mark this rejected, since we basically have this implemented in a different way. I sense that some people don't quite understand how the current system works, I suggest they open the choice adv "zone" sub-tab and then click around through various adventuring zones (manor1, plains, knob, etc) up above.
So my tab idea can't be made like the zone tab, pick a location and it can move to it.

If there isn't that many choice event-specific zones yet it won't really be cluttered yet, so deal with that when it comes in like like 6 years maybe?
Or maybe a special zone called "Events: New/Unrecognized Content" that would scrape choice adventures (and monsters, why not) and put them in the zone tab for Events.