Feature ash from chat macros

Currently, I can call an ash script from chat by typing
/run myscript.ash Parameters Here
which is pretty cool. I know it's only going to save a few keystrokes, but it would be crazy intuitive and awesome if I could define custom macros that link straight into an ash script so I could just type
/mymacro Parameters Here
that does the same thing. Not sure how hard it would be to implement, but it'd be pretty nifty.

This should probably be a different request, but, if implemented, it would render this request unnecessary (kinda...).
I can currently emulate this function by simply using a chatbotScript and just looking at the "Unknown command: /whatever" and then acting on that. However, I'm still left with the ugly "Unknown command:" showing up in my chat. It would be cool if a chatbotScript had a function to basically say "now that I've processed the chat message, don't show it in chat". Maybe if main was boolean or int instead of void.

Not sure which is more feasible.
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Can't you just do that with an alias? And/or define the alias in your script, if it isn't set yet?
As of the last time I tried, attempting to set a chat macro to use "/run" failed... and I'm not quite sure there's a way around that on the mafia end.
Well, since we're talking about making this work in ASH, I was more thinking of aliasing
ashq chat_private("/run myscript.ash Parameters Here");
or does that not work?
Hmm... you know, I'm not sure I'm following this thread at all correctly...

I don't know what you think I'm asking for, but I think theraze is the one that has it wrong.

I'm asking for the ability to create an alias in mafia such that I can summon an ash script from chat. Not... summon a cli command from chat through ASH...

Essentially a shorthand way to avoid typing "run" (or "do" or "cli") everytime I want to invoke a specific script from chat.
Well, you can save ONE keystroke by changing from run to do. :)

I think the real request is for a whole system of chat-aliases to be built into mafia that allow for... whatever sort of alias you want. Whether that happens to be
/chatalias dsc /do script.ash
to allow for /dsc to call /do script.ash, or
/chatalias quiet Hey, stop snoring so loud!
to interject into the quiet clan channel or whatever you feel like...

Or am I still misunderstanding your goal?

As I see it, currently the full set of / commands allowed are...
listen, l, c, channel, s, switch, w, who, whois, friend, baleet, exit, friends, romans, clannies, trivia, endtrivia, stoptrivia, do, run, and cli, clan, hobopolis, slimetube, hauntedhouse, examine, msg, whisper, tell

Interestingly, it seems /w is double-committed for /who and /whisper. Nothing for setting chat-aliases though.
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I think the real request is for a whole system of chat-aliases to be built into mafia that allow for... whatever sort of alias you want. Whether that happens to beto allow for /dsc to call /do script.ash, orto interject into the quiet clan channel or whatever you feel like...
Yup. That's the gist.
As I see it, currently the full set of / commands allowed are...
listen, l, c, channel, s, switch, w, who, whois, friend, baleet, exit, friends, romans, clannies, trivia, endtrivia, stoptrivia, do, run, and cli, clan, hobopolis, slimetube, hauntedhouse, examine, msg, whisper, tell

Interestingly, it seems /w is double-committed for /who and /whisper. Nothing for setting chat-aliases though.

Well, surely that's not the full set. /make, /paste, /buy... there are tons. You listed mostly KoL ones and a few mafia ones. I can use the KoL interface to make KoL macros but currently mafia doesn't give me a vector to do the same with mafia-power.