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  1. gausie

    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores

    Yeah I'd rather have a strikethrough on the buy link with a title that says its in your forbidden stores, but lets you buy anyway if you do click
  2. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug Macintosh Sierra - Cannot launch Mafia 17.6 after downloading it

    We need to sign the dmgs yes. I have a signing key I just haven't had the time to sort this out yet
  3. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug Slimy Shoulders reported as 40 init instead of 20

    A few weeks ago I fixed a typo in this skill that was double reporting the value!
  4. gausie

    Feature - Implemented Mafia does not distinguish between "does not own this familiar" and "this familiar is currently unavailable due to not being undead" in zombie Slayer

    Not sure what we should do here. I sort of think the current setup is fine. Why do you want to access familiars you can't use? For stillsuit-related things?
  5. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug Slimy Shoulders reported as 40 init instead of 20

    Either visit the effect description for this to auto update or run set skillLevel48 = 10
  6. gausie

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    I clearly introduced the issue somehow but I also can't see how - and I can't replicate the issue consistently, though I've also experienced it
  7. gausie

    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates queue affected by crystal ball is incorrect when ball taken off

    Thanks! Sorry for the delay
  8. gausie

    Manuel Progress (the relay version)

    And merged, and thus fixed :)
  9. gausie

    Manuel Progress (the relay version)

  10. gausie

    Manuel Progress (the relay version)

    Should we fix NaN being in appearance_rates? Can you give an example
  11. gausie

    Bug Ghost of Crimbo Commerce counter not reset on ascension

    This is an easy first contribution if anyone is interested!
  12. gausie

    Feature Set camel spit to 100 once encountering the sloshing message

    This is an easy first contribution if anyone is interested :)
  13. gausie

    New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka

    Ask for features not solutions!
  14. gausie

    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    Fixed! Now returns false in that instance
  15. gausie

    New Content Tiny Stillsuit

    Buzzed on Distillate is now counted to your character modifiers. Current mods are in currentDistillateMods and the upcoming mods as at your last visit to the choice are stored in nextDistillateMods. I think that makes us done here?
  16. gausie

    New Content Tiny Stillsuit

    Yeah as Tokoeka said, it should work fine already. What I need to work on is the modifiers from the current effect and surfacing modifiers from upcoming effect.
  17. gausie

    New Content Tiny Stillsuit

    yeah I'm going to work on this soon.
  18. gausie

    New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka

    Can you send a debug log from a spikolodon spike fight?
  19. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Getting PVP Fights from Feel Superior advances Mafias goth Kid PVP tracker