Feature - Implemented Mafia does not distinguish between "does not own this familiar" and "this familiar is currently unavailable due to not being undead" in zombie Slayer


In Zombie Slayer, you only have access to familiars that are classified as "undead".

It appears Mafia cannot distinguish between familiars you cannot access because you dont own them and familiars you cant access because theyre not undead when in Zombie Slayer.

Was unsure whether to mark this as Bug or Feature Request.

Here is a Debug log of the familiar terrarium in zombie slayer


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Not sure what we should do here. I sort of think the current setup is fine. Why do you want to access familiars you can't use? For stillsuit-related things?
Getting familiars you can't access is a fairly invasive refactor. At the moment Mafia doesn't let you drink the distillate (and doesn't track familiarSweat) if you have the stillsuit equipped on a familiar you can't use, because it only checks usable familiars for the "is equipped" check and so thinks you don't have the stillsuit.

It's easy enough to work around, but also kind of awkward.
For reference, the usecase wherein I discovered this was "autoscend has a function whereby it tries to get you some useful cheap familiars if you dont have them" (lil barrel mimic and blood faced volleyball). said function relied on have_familiar() and whilst i recognise these familiars are unusable in zombie slayer, in my mind there is a difference between "do not have" and "currently unusable" and was not sure if this was intended behaviour. If this is intended and preferred behaviour, I have no skin in the game with it being left as is, I felt it worth flagging for discussion is all.
Implemented in r26761.

There is a new ASH function "in_terrarium" which tells you whether a familiar is in your terrarium, whether or not it is usable.

Also a bunch of other things that you can do with familiars you own but can't use work:
  • you can get a Grim Brother buff if you own the familiar, even if you can't use it
  • Unconscious Collective offers extra free rests per day, as long as you aren't in Standard (e.g. if you're in G-Lover)
  • Shorter-Order Cook gives extra EXP to your familiars, and even more with the blue plate
  • tiny stillsuit accumulates sweat even on familiars you can't use
  • items you equipped on familiars you couldn't use can still be unequipped