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  1. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Tried opening KoLmafia software from mac dmg, said program is broken

    The mac dmg isn't signed so won't work if you don't allow unsigned dmgs (which is almost everyone). Solutions for this are somewhat pending.
  2. gausie

    Bug Spring Loaded Bumper tracking broken when used as freerun on unbanishable monster

    That sort of thing is the right idea yes
  3. gausie

    Bug Spring Loaded Bumper tracking broken when used as freerun on unbanishable monster

    Yeah we have no issue with banish tracking but we have an issue with "can I cast this skill" checking
  4. gausie

    New Content - Implemented Oopsie IPA

    I added the item as part of the autumnaton work, but with unspaded values of course. I'm certainly not consuming mine!
  5. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Invalid adventure area: "The Barrel Full of Barrels"

    This needs added to our data file integrity tests
  6. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Rest Free Daily Deed

    Forfeit: regression test 😅
  7. gausie

    Bug - Fixed PluralValues in Javascript, and should Effect.all be one?

    @Obeliks great work on this and the exceptions PR by the way, please feel free to contribute more in future!!
  8. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Yes, I handle it in my PR. It's just a reskin of quest item and has been applied to cosmic bowling ball too.
  9. gausie

    Feature Replace pwd hashes in debug log with generic string

    I have pause here now, DEBUG logs also contain PHPSESSID and all the necessary load balancer and user string sessions. I think there is a possible session fixation attack here, but I haven't tried it.
  10. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    That is correct. We will have the same sort of thing for autumnaton
  11. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Yeah I could definitely use debug logs for finding each one. I think I have almost all of them from @phreddrickk though, if you check the html in the draft PR that's all I've got for now
  12. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Is it possible to get me the debug log from choosing to install the two upgrades at the same time?
  13. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Thank you for this and the debug log, that is very useful for the next implementation step
  14. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    I have elected for the CSV and to use the string names as they appear in the image file names, e.go
  15. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    I could also make autumnatonUpgrades be a csv of numbers, where each one is the choice number that attaches that upgrade to your bot. That is assuming those are unique - I haven't seen sufficient debug logs yet. That has the benefit of being self-documenting but is way less discoverable.
  16. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Is there a preference for: vs that could then be leftArm,leftLeg or whatever
  17. gausie

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    I need the output mafia gives you from these items
  18. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Inventory Panel Slow to Open

    This is easy - the cell renderers are shared between all the data frames so the import happens when it is determining what type of data to display
  19. gausie

    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    I think it's fantastic work and is very worthwhile. I've started on canAdventure support for clan basement zones... quite a new frontier in terms of mafia support.
  20. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Inventory Panel Slow to Open

    I ran some profiling and it seems that opening inventory runs the static block in ScriptManager, which looks like static { ScriptManager.updateRepoScripts(false); ScriptManager.updateInstalledScripts(); } It seems that in my local version, SVNManager.workingCopyToSVNURL(File) is called...