New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton


packaged version: Boxed Autumn-aton desc_item.php?whichitem=129222297

Bound version: Autumn-aton desc_item.php?whichitem=174185886

Has a use link - takes you to a choiceadventure page (1483) where you can choose to send the autumn-aton to any zone you currently have access to and have adventured in at least once this ascension (freekills / freeruns appear to count for this, cleaver adventures and zone-intro adventures don't). Having tested, I could send it to The Stately Pleasure Dome in the Worm Wood only whilst I had the relevant effect active. Additionally, i could only send it to The Secret Government laboratory whilst wearing the personal ventilation unit.

Choice adventure appears to be dropoutable without clicking an option.

If you send your autumn-aton to a zone, after you have spent X turns (anywhere), on your next adventure (which can be a free-run or freekill), the autumn-aton will come back to you, with up to Y drops from the zone it was sent to, at least 1 autum item (though no duplicate melting items drop), potentially 1 autumn-aton upgrade and granting some amoutn of experience.

Autumn items include:

autumn-spice donut desc_item.php?whichitem=765851813
Size 1 Awesome Food
grants 30 turns of Whet Appetite /desc_effect.php?whicheffect=bb374fa9f50dc7ce46f98632396161d8
+100% Food drop

AutumnFest Ale desc_item.php?whichitem=195200911
Size 1 awesome booze

autumn breeze desc_item.php?whichitem=709263513
Size 1 spleen
grants 50 turns of Delighted by Autumn desc_effect.php?whicheffect=fc1fd3b808d9bda46a4d6f1e71a74e9a
+100% to all stats

autumn sweater-weather sweater desc_item.php?whichitem=267218508
melting shirt: +3 Cold Res, Max HP +50, Regen 8-12 HP & MP

autumn debris shield desc_item.php?whichitem=659459391
melting shield: DR 10, Init +30%, +20 hot dmg, +20 hot spell dmg

autumn leaf pendant
melting accessory: +5 fam weight, +10 fam dmg, +1 fam exp

autumn leaf desc_item.php?whichitem=639910181
potion - grants 20 turns of Crunching Leaves desc_effect.php?whicheffect=b645f760ab1a497da20faafbe90d3d29
+25% item drop, monster will be more attracted (+5% Combat?)

autumn dollar desc_item.php?whichitem=394864972
potion - grants 30 turns of Bet Your Autumn Dollar desc_effect.php?whicheffect=f696596ddc94d295fc25da98d24f58ec
+50% Meat from Monsters

autumn years wisdom desc_item.php?whichitem=794318555
potion - grants 30 turns of Wisdom of the autumn years desc_effect.php?whicheffect=67ebd878570ed8315d4a4674e2eed291
+20% spell dmg, Max MP +100, regen 15-20 MP

at start of day, returns after 11 turns, then 11, then 22, thereafter increases by 11 turns each time. Number of potential zone-item drops starts at 3, and can increase with autumn-aton upgrades. Experience starts at 66exp (split evenly?) - this is increased proportionately the longer it takes the autumn-aton to return (so 132exp for a 22adv return, etc) - this can also increase on upgrades.

Upgrades found so far include:
High Speed Right Leg (adds an extra 11-turn return at the start of the sequence - if added when further into the sequence, will drop you back a step)
Upgraded left leg (adds an extra 11-turn return at the start of the sequence - if added when further into the sequence, will drop you back a step)
Enhanced Left Arm (increases potential number of item drops)
High-performance Right Arm
energy-absorptive hat (increases exp gain on return)
Collection Prow (increases number of autumn items dropped?)
Vision Extender
Duel Exhaust
Radar Dish

Upgrades are mentioned in the return message if found, but can only be recicved once (per ascension?), and no actual item is given - you install them via options in the same choice adventure

From limited spading data It appears each zone has a specific Autumn-item and autumn-aton upgrade it will drop, and they appear to be paired (so a zone that drops autumn-spice donuts will also provide a high-speed right leg, and will never provide any other autumn-item or autumn-aton upgrade)

Pairings appear to be:
Autumn-spice Donut - High Speed Right Leg
AutumnFest Ale - Enhanced Left Arm
Autumn Sweater-weather sweater - upgraded left leg
autumn debris shield - high-performance right arm
autumn dollar - collection prow
autumn leaf pendant - vision extender
autumn years wisdom - dual exhaust
autumn breeze - radar dish
autumn leaf - energy absorptive hat

further testing has shown it may be more complicated than that, especially if you have already gotten the melting items and/or have the upgrade that gives more autumn items
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I've sent some debug logs over to gausie, but I'd also like to post some code snippets I've been using for this, in case they end up being helpful at all in development.

This xpath can retrieve the available locations for the autumn-otan. It appears to be based on the locations you've been to this ascension that you can currently access, but its definition of "can currently access" differs from mafias, as does its definition of "you've been to"; free zone intro adventures (as well as cleaver noncombats) appear not to count (other noncombats do), and you aren't listed as able to adventure in the 8-bit realm unless you actively have the transfunctioner equipped.
const text = visitUrl('inv_use.php?pwd&whichitem=10954');
xpath(text, '//select[@name="heythereprogrammer"]//option[position()>1]/text()').map((name) => toLocation(name));

I've been running this code in essentially an afterAdventureScript to repeatedly send off the autumn-otan to gather html and goods

function autumnAton() {
  const item = toItem("autumn-aton");
  if (item === Item.none || !availableAmount(item)) return;

  const location = Location.get("The Deep Dark Jungle");
  cliExecute("debug on");
  if (availableChoiceOptions()[1]) {

  runChoice(2, `heythereprogrammer=${}`);
  cliExecute("debug off");
  cliExecute("refresh inventory");
Choice option 1 contains any upgrades you have if they're available, and choice 2, when run with the "heythereprogrammer" parameter sends it off. It looks like option 3 exits.
Will that code work on its own, or is it part of something else? I am wondering if we should expect to get some variables to check on, to be able to send this guy out every time he finishes up.

If it helps, adventuring in the 3 turn noncombat at the boxing daycare (scavaging) advances the counter for the Autumn-aton. So it seems the adventures spent don't need to be combats, just adventures spent.
Can confirm it keys off of turns spent--free fights don't increment it, although they can be used to seed a zone or to collect it if you passed your turn threshold on a noncombat.
If you fail to install the upgrade, you will get the same upgrade next time (and the next five or more times). I'm not sure why it is "optional".

EDIT: You can walk away from the choice adventure.
It looks like its presence needs to be tracked the same way the cosmic bowling ball is, because, like the bowling ball, sometimes it's not around. Perhaps something like a "hasAutumnAton" property?
It looks like its presence needs to be tracked the same way the cosmic bowling ball is, because, like the bowling ball, sometimes it's not around. Perhaps something like a "hasAutumnAton" property?
Better to just track it correctly in inventory, eh?
packaged version: Boxed Autumn-aton desc_item.php?whichitem=129222297

Bound version: Autumn-aton desc_item.php?whichitem=174185886

Has a use link - takes you to a choiceadventure page (1483) where you can choose to send the autumn-aton to any zone you currently have access to and have adventured in at least once this ascension (freekills / freeruns appear to count for this, cleaver adventures and zone-intro adventures don't). Having tested, I could send it to The Stately Pleasure Dome in the Worm Wood only whilst I had the relevant effect active. Additionally, i could only send it to The Secret Government laboratory whilst wearing the personal ventilation unit.

Choice adventure appears to be dropoutable without clicking an option.

If you send your autumn-aton to a zone, after you have spent X turns (anywhere), on your next adventure (which can be a free-run or freekill), the autumn-aton will come back to you, with up to Y drops from the zone it was sent to, at least 1 autum item (though no duplicate melting items drop), potentially 1 autumn-aton upgrade and granting some amoutn of experience.

Autumn items include:

autumn-spice donut desc_item.php?whichitem=765851813
Size 1 Awesome Food
grants 30 turns of Whet Appetite /desc_effect.php?whicheffect=bb374fa9f50dc7ce46f98632396161d8
+100% Food drop

AutumnFest Ale desc_item.php?whichitem=195200911
Size 1 awesome booze

autumn breeze desc_item.php?whichitem=709263513
Size 1 spleen
grants 50 turns of Delighted by Autumn desc_effect.php?whicheffect=fc1fd3b808d9bda46a4d6f1e71a74e9a
+100% to all stats

autumn sweater-weather sweater desc_item.php?whichitem=267218508
melting shirt: +3 Cold Res, Max HP +50, Regen 8-12 HP & MP

autumn debris shield desc_item.php?whichitem=659459391
melting shield: DR 10, Init +30%, +20 hot dmg, +20 hot spell dmg

autumn leaf pendant
melting accessory: +5 fam weight, +10 fam dmg, +1 fam exp

autumn leaf desc_item.php?whichitem=639910181
potion - grants 20 turns of Crunching Leaves desc_effect.php?whicheffect=b645f760ab1a497da20faafbe90d3d29
+25% item drop, monster will be more attracted (+5% Combat?)

autumn dollar desc_item.php?whichitem=394864972
potion - grants 30 turns of Bet Your Autumn Dollar desc_effect.php?whicheffect=f696596ddc94d295fc25da98d24f58ec
+50% Meat from Monsters

autumn years wisdom desc_item.php?whichitem=794318555
potion - grants 30 turns of Wisdom of the autumn years desc_effect.php?whicheffect=67ebd878570ed8315d4a4674e2eed291
+20% spell dmg, Max MP +100, regen 15-20 MP

at start of day, returns after 11 turns, then 11, then 22, thereafter increases by 11 turns each time. Number of potential zone-item drops starts at 3, and can increase with autumn-aton upgrades. Experience starts at 66exp (split evenly?) - this is increased proportionately the longer it takes the autumn-aton to return (so 132exp for a 22adv return, etc) - this can also increase on upgrades.

Upgrades found so far include:
High Speed Right Leg (adds an extra 11-turn return at the start of the sequence - if added when further into the sequence, will drop you back a step)
Upgraded left leg (adds an extra 11-turn return at the start of the sequence - if added when further into the sequence, will drop you back a step)
Enhanced Left Arm (increases potential number of item drops)
High-performance Right Arm
energy-absorptive hat (increases exp gain on return)
Collection Prow (increases number of autumn items dropped?)
Vision Extender
Duel Exhaust
Radar Dish

Upgrades are mentioned in the return message if found, but can only be recicved once (per ascension?), and no actual item is given - you install them via options in the same choice adventure

From limited spading data It appears each zone has a specific Autumn-item and autumn-aton upgrade it will drop, and they appear to be paired (so a zone that drops autumn-spice donuts will also provide a high-speed right leg, and will never provide any other autumn-item or autumn-aton upgrade)

Pairings appear to be:
Autumn-spice Donut - High Speed Right Leg
AutumnFest Ale - Enhanced Left Arm
Autumn Sweater-weather sweater - upgraded left leg
autumn debris shield - high-performance right arm
autumn dollar - collection prow
autumn leaf pendant - vision extender
autumn years wisdom - dual exhaust
autumn breeze - radar dish
autumn leaf - energy absorptive hat

further testing has shown it may be more complicated than that, especially if you have already gotten the melting items and/or have the upgrade that gives more autumn items
I need the output mafia gives you from these items
Is there a preference for:

user autumnatonUpgradeLeftArm false
user autumnatonUpgradeLeftLeg false
user autumnatonUpgradeRightArm false
user autumnatonUpgradeRightLeg false
user autumnatonUpgradeLeftArm false
user autumnatonUpgradeEnergyHat false
user autumnatonUpgradeCollectionProw false
user autumnatonUpgradeVisionExtender false
user autumnatonUpgradeDualExhaust false
user autumnatonUpgradeRadar false


user autumnatonUpgrades

that could then be leftArm,leftLeg or whatever
I personally prefer the single CSV preference, because it feels a little less clunky, and it's not to hard to do a `.includes` or `.split(",")` or whatever.

That being said, libram's get will autofill property names, but won't make me instantly remember whether it's "leftArm", "Left Arm", "Upgraded Left Arm", "leftarm" or whatever. Which is to say that having several distinct properties has its advantages.

I still overall prefer the big single one, but whatever the spirit compels you to do will be fine.

That being said, I would also like preference tracking for your level of visual acuity, and the other things that your upgrades actually do.
It looks like its presence needs to be tracked the same way the cosmic bowling ball is, because, like the bowling ball, sometimes it's not around. Perhaps something like a "hasAutumnAton" property?
Much like with the bowling ball, we can track it with other properties; for the ball, we can look at `bowlingBallReturnCombats`; for the autumn-aton, we can look at whatever property will track when we expect it to return as well.
I personally prefer the single CSV preference, because it feels a little less clunky, and it's not to hard to do a `.includes` or `.split(",")` or whatever.

That being said, libram's get will autofill property names, but won't make me instantly remember whether it's "leftArm", "Left Arm", "Upgraded Left Arm", "leftarm" or whatever. Which is to say that having several distinct properties has its advantages.

I could also make autumnatonUpgrades be a csv of numbers, where each one is the choice number that attaches that upgrade to your bot. That is assuming those are unique - I haven't seen sufficient debug logs yet. That has the benefit of being self-documenting but is way less discoverable.
I could also make autumnatonUpgrades be a csv of numbers, where each one is the choice number that attaches that upgrade to your bot. That is assuming those are unique - I haven't seen sufficient debug logs yet. That has the benefit of being self-documenting but is way less discoverable.
based on the one instance where i had 2 upgrades to equip simultaneously, i believe it groups them all into one choice, as there was a single choice labeled "attach the [item1] and [item2] you found" or words to that effect. Heres a debug log of a couple of instances yesterday


I have elected for the CSV and to use the string names as they appear in the image file names, e.go

based on the one instance where i had 2 upgrades to equip simultaneously, i believe it groups them all into one choice, as there was a single choice labeled "attach the [item1] and [item2] you found" or words to that effect. Heres a debug log of a couple of instances yesterday
Thank you for this and the debug log, that is very useful for the next implementation step
based on the one instance where i had 2 upgrades to equip simultaneously, i believe it groups them all into one choice, as there was a single choice labeled "attach the [item1] and [item2] you found" or words to that effect. Heres a debug log of a couple of instances yesterday
Is it possible to get me the debug log from choosing to install the two upgrades at the same time?