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  1. fewyn

    r26014 - Clear state leaked by CharPaneDecoratorTest. by @h

    This worked, re-enabled testing on Jenkins and manually ran a build to double check.
  2. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed crystalBallMonster incorrectly reset

    I've temporarily disabled tests in the meantime on Jenkins.
  3. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed crystalBallMonster incorrectly reset
  4. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed crystalBallMonster incorrectly reset

    > Task :test FightRequestTest > crystalBallPredictions() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError at ChatRequestTest > isShouldBuildAModernChatRequest() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError at ChatRequestTest >...
  5. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Yep that's the problem, uninstall it and install the version from Adoptium.
  6. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    What version of Java? We recommend 17 from
  7. fewyn

    Git error trying to clone mafia

    Use git clone You're currently trying to login as the user for some reason. Not sure where you got that command.
  8. fewyn

    r25950 - Full ChangelogB]: fia/compare/r25947...r25950']r25947...r25950

    I currently have it set to import the feed every 10 minutes, could be Github just not updating the RSS feed properly immediatly or only partially which is what gets caught by the feed. Maybe I'll set it to hourly instead it's not like we need immediate posts here.
  9. fewyn

    r25946 - Automatically generate release notes. by @heeheehe

    It's because it's taking the plain text from the description in the RSS feed. The title of each release is just the version number so I had to include the description to give a brief bit of info on what was in it.
  10. fewyn

    r25846 - No longer need Stream<Arguments> (#198)

    I've been manually editing it, it's a Github issue that I don't think will ever be resolved. It doesn't happen every time either.
  11. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed my_class() returning void for Actually Ed the Undying

    I added a PR at least for the first part of this fix.
  12. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed my_class() returning void for Actually Ed the Undying

    So I'm no expert but I did partially fix this in a local build but it breaks basically all compatibility with existing scripts. (They are all expecting Ed when the api returns Ed the Undying which mafia now also returns) I really don't know...
  13. fewyn

    Character Info Toolbox

    Are you using the SVN or the Github version? It moved awhile back to Github and I know a commit was put out to fix this today/yesterday.
  14. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed r25831 - Debug Error when opening Relay Browser ("limitmode" is null)

    Looks like is the offending release after going back.
  15. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed r25831 - Debug Error when opening Relay Browser ("limitmode" is null)

    When opening the relay browser on r25381 it generates debug log and "The connection was reset" when it tries to actually open the browser. This happens with a fresh install and no relay scripts installed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KoLmafia...
  16. fewyn

    New Content ItoM November 2021 - Daylight Shavings Helmet

    Looking at item #10803... Unknown item found: packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet (10803, 530690382) Unknown item found: Daylight Shavings Helmet (10804, 362147328) -------------------- 10804 Daylight Shavings Helmet 362147328 dshelmet.gif hat 0 Daylight Shavings Helmet 100 none # Item...
  17. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed my_class() returning void for Actually Ed the Undying

    > ash my_path() Returned: Actually Ed the Undying > ash my_class() Returned: void Last time this worked looks to be back in 25792 where it returned. > ash my_class() Returned: Ed primestat => Mysticality
  18. fewyn

    r25794 - Add unit tests for SnapperCommand (#138)

    3 failed tests which is working as intended and not archiving the build of Jenkins. > Task :test CustomScriptTest > testScript(String) > net.sourceforge.kolmafia.CustomScriptTest.testScript(String)[11] FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError at MaximizerTest >...
  19. fewyn

    Help with the kolmafia program

    Is there a debug text file from wherever you're launching it from?
  20. fewyn

    My personal Meat farming script

    I've also been experiencing the same issues but it keeps switching up with Hodgeman's Blanket I think? I just go run eatdrink and move on. I'll see if I can capture what's going on the next time I run it.