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  1. D

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    CK - that's a very good point. Unfortunately, I don't have a multi who's ascending now, so I can't test any changes I make, and that's a tricky part of the code. It may take me a while to get to it.
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    WinMo Java2 compatibility

    Clever, Catch! That's a good approach.
  3. D

    New Website

    I agree with what Zarqon said, and I think it's very important that we all consider it carefully. I suggest mulling over it for a few days, then posting in this thread with your reply. :P
  4. D

    Any script requests?

    Sure looks like what he wants to do is "camp" and get the drop as soon as it comes up, so he can take it from his clanmates. Lucky clanmates.
  5. D

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Boy. If they had one of those, I'd have two briefcases and ERROR_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS pants.
  6. D

    Is hydration being considered? Yes. Is it being properly considered? Dunno, that's a fine question. :) Make sure you have the latest, since I added it recently. I'm doing a full rewrite of eatdrink; when it's done, I'll go back to farm.ash and finish olfaction support so you won't need to...
  7. D

    Any script requests?

    This doesn't seem any better than a mallbot. And his whole goal is to rip off his clan. Yuck.
  8. D

    Is there a fast way to delete every entry in a map?

    I want to nuke the whole data structure so I can rebuild it each time through a loop - is there a way other than iterating with remove?
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Just delete the import - mistake that will be fixed shortly.
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Morgad, you are almost certainly a living example of why I want version checking. Update your kolmafia to the latest build.
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    Maps and sort, aka my brain hurts

    Hallelujah! It is illuminated. I'm particularly stoked about duel foreach iterators - got to put that in the wiki (I just added a section on foreach). Is foreach x,y in mapthe same as foreach x in map { foreach y in map[x] }
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    Maps and sort, aka my brain hurts

    So I want to declare something like this: float [int][item]stuff;The idea is that the [int] is an index (for sorting), so it is unique. There will only be one entry per item, so the [item] field is unique too. The float is a quantity that I will be sorting by. Assume there are a bunch of...
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    New update Test update attached - please let me know how it works. Cleans up a bunch of stuff, first and foremost that data files are no longer necessary!
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Yup - passwords get sent automatically every night before rollover.
  15. D

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Ha! So are you going to post your mods? Maybe in the PullCrap thread? :)
  16. D

    Converting item names to plaintext

    Neat! Thanks.
  17. D

    WinMo Java2 compatibility

    That would involve rewriting it from scratch. The simplest approach would be to start with an Android device, which has support for Java (not just J2ME).
  18. D

    Converting item names to plaintext

    What's a reliable way to convert item names to valid property names? Replacing spaces with underscores is a good start, but what about Genalen(tm) etc?
  19. D

    WinMo Java2 compatibility

    J2ME is legendary for its half baked, inadequate, incompatible, and erratic implementations. If you want it working on your phone, I'd start by porting to the mobile .NET framework and making it run natively on the device - it'd be less work. And that's not to say it's easy, it's just to say...