New Website


This is not really a scripting discussion, just good info. I created a site with usefull information, links and other things. I would very much like some people to check it out! Already has a farming guide, usefull links, and forums! If anybody has anything to add, please post on the forums!

I have no desire to create an account on your site, but I see that you're planning on making a guide for 7 day SC runs. Why not just point to stupac's guide for 4 day runs, or jef's?
Spiny - I know it would be better for the kol forums, but I am more familiar with these forums, therefore I thought it would be better to place here. I don't even have an account with the kol forums...

And for the other question about a 7 day run, I need to revise that statement. I am not going to create a "Guide", just more tips not included in stupac2's guide. Mostly on reducing ronin count and leveling quicker. Just tips anybody can use that have not really been "said" in any guide.

I just started this, so be patient. And if this is against kolmafia rules, I am sorry bout that. Hehe. I was not sure but I figured I would give it a shot. ;) If you got anymore usefull links, let me know.
Frankly this topic has little or NOTHING to do with mafia and hence does NOT belong on this board.

Since you don't have an account on the KoL forums then MAKE one. It's free and only takes about 2 freaking minutes. Maybe if there was SOME level of trouble or challenge involved in making a forum account I'd cut you some slack, but get real!

tl;dr: Go spam somewhere that cares.
No, I think Bale has the right idea ... this is the mafia scripting/support website, not the farming info-center or the 7 day run tutorial place ...

I hope nobody registers with their KoL name and the same password they use ...
This really doesn't belong here. However, codster, you might want to run a spell check on that site of yours. Useful is misspelled on every page (via the links) and also every time it crops up on the site, as is wonderful, and I would wager others I missed at a cursory glance.

I can't see many people from here using that site, to be honest.
I agree with what Zarqon said, and I think it's very important that we all consider it carefully. I suggest mulling over it for a few days, then posting in this thread with your reply.
