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  1. Bale


    Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are some properties not in defaults.txt that I believe are used by KoLmafia and hence, should be present: discardedKarma hermitHax0red lastSpookyravenLightsOut mayoWhipRented Thank you for the correction!
  2. Bale


    Very nice. I am looking forward to seeing the various functions outlined in vproperties. I was curious about testing case sensitivity so I tried something out and saw an odd return value: > get setAutoAttack false > ash remove_property("setautoattack", false) Returned: > get setAutoAttack...
  3. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption

    Perhaps, but KoL has a bad record of fixing things like this. It's still a disconnect between mafia and KoL. Should ignore it?
  4. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Thanks! It was making ChIT unhappy. It amuses me that the generic folding code worked perfectly, but then the folding failed due to a weird bug.
  5. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption

    If you're in standard and Chez Snootée offers food which is out of standard, KoL will allow you to consume it. Unfortunately the food does not appear in the consumption helper so it needs to be consumed through the relay browser. A few days ago my clannie consumed some natto pocky while in...
  6. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Something is really weird with folding the toggle switch. After the switch is folded (in either direction) mafia isn't willing to try to fold it back until I refresh inventory. > fold toggle switch (bounce) Toggled toggle switch (Bartend) into toggle switch (Bounce) > fold toggle switch...
  7. Bale

    have_familiar() buggy?

    There is nothing overloaded about the meaning of $familiar[none]. It is not a missing value at all. use_familiar($familiar[none]) is a logical way to unequip the current familiar without equipping a new one. That should have absolutely no bearing on Veracity's intended fix.
  8. Bale

    have_familiar() buggy?

    It seems you've answered the question to your own satisfaction. Should I open a bug report for the matter?
  9. Bale

    have_familiar() buggy?

    No scripter should ever ask have_familiar( $familiar[none] ). There just isn't any sane use for that. Anyplace that I might have a value of none (for familiar, item, etc) , there's always a check to see if it is none so that I can treat the absence of something appropriately. Is it a bug to say...
  10. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    I'm really glad to hear that! I'll share the current state of that code for people who care. I've added more skills and removed one. For no particular reason I still have Profound Shame on the list, but you can always choose not to learn that. buffer gelnoob(buffer page) { skill [int]...
  11. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Macintosh Sierra - Cannot launch Mafia 17.6 after downloading it

    Nobody here has Sierra OS (I've never even used a Mac) so nobody can talk you through this. You might have to do your own googling on this, but I did a little more research for you. According to people on the internet, your problem should be that something called "Gatekeeper" is trying to...
  12. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Update State after Hagnks

    > ashq int i; foreach it in $items[] if(storage_amount(it) > 0) i++; print("Number of different items in inventory: "+i); Number of different items in inventory: 1189 Yeah, that could be the cause of the difference. Point taken.
  13. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Update State after Hagnks

    My kingLiberatedScript -- perhaps foolishly -- uses visit_url( "storage.php?action=pullall&pwd" ); and never encountered this problem.
  14. Bale


    Partly true. When jasonharper made those preference so that mana burning could be user controlled, Jason also wrote a relay script to be the GUI for those preferences: Pyromania. Edit: Ninja'ed!
  15. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    That's an excellent question. I'm not entirely sure how it ended up on the list. I must have had trouble fighting the ghost of Oily McBindle or Jim Unfortunato and gotten so annoyed that I put the skill on the list without much vetting. Or maybe I mixed it up with another skill. Or maybe it fell...
  16. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    There are only 16 skills on that list so far. I'm not sure what to choose for the remaining 4 since a lot of other high priority skills are so easy to get with readily available items. Perhaps I should add Sunglasses (+25 Moxie) since it will save me 1000 meat for a tenderizing hammer? Sweat...
  17. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Macintosh Sierra - Cannot launch Mafia 17.6 after downloading it

    Google found the answer for me. You can get around it! Apparently, $99 per year!
  18. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    That's a pretty good idea! I wrote something up for it. Next time I ascend, I'll have to test this... static { skill [int] bestGelnoob; foreach sk in $skills[Subcutaneous Fat,Profound Shame,Work Ethic,Arrogance,Central Hypothalamus,Rudimentary Alimentary Canal,Small Intestine,Stomach-Like...
  19. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    Ah well. Your does almost exactly the same thing as mine (with a little bit of formatting) except the code is a little clunkier. I was really hoping you'd actually make it look like the wiki page. One critique: If the character doesn't have all the skills, the horizontal rules might be skipped.
  20. Bale


    skillBurnXXXXX is similar to choiceAdventureXXXX since all valid value for XXXXX will affect mafia's function, in this case mana burning. Having them in defaults.txt will only change the default value.