Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption


If you're in standard and Chez Snootée offers food which is out of standard, KoL will allow you to consume it. Unfortunately the food does not appear in the consumption helper so it needs to be consumed through the relay browser.

A few days ago my clannie consumed some natto pocky while in standard. (Because of PvP minis.) She even got the Ninja, Please effect.

After explaining the matter to me she asked, "is this something no one really cares about? I had to eat it BY HAND like a PEASANT. I was weirded out at first because mafia didn't 'find' it, but then i realized it was because of standard." I know how she feels. It's awkward to use the browser when you get used to eating through mafia. Especially since Chez requires you to click once for every single item you eat there so when you eat a whole bunch of them...
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Perhaps, but KoL has a bad record of fixing things like this. It's still a disconnect between mafia and KoL. Should ignore it?
I changed the code in the filter used by the Food/Booze/Spleen consumables panel the other day. I don't recall which revision.

			if ( item != null )
				if ( !StandardRequest.isAllowed( "Items", item.getDataName() ) )
					return false;

				// no create
				if ( UseItemEnqueuePanel.this.filters[ 0 ].isSelected() &&
				     item.getCount( KoLConstants.inventory ) == 0 )
					return false;
For Cafe offerings, there is no "item", so we don't check Standard.
Even for the Daily Special, there should be no "item".

Tell me if this still doesn't work for you.
I'll let you know when I can. Unfortunately Gelatinous Noobs can't consume food so testing has stalled.
Unfortunately this bug has not been quashed. My PvP loving clannie has been doing non-standard runs and aftercore for a while, but today she had this to say,

SKF: the other day chez had "Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco"
SKF: it didn't show up in mafia :(
SKF: (in standard)
SKF: I even consumed one to see if they fixed that, and it was still possible
SKF: it's hard to test, old items don't show up very often
I'll look at it when I ascend next. If the next challenge path looks like one I want to do, that'll be soon. Otherwise, who knows?
I have some Spacegate stuff to finish up first and I might just wait to see what the new IOTM does for the path (if anything), but I do intend to play this path. So, it will be early in June.