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    Java Problems
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    New Content - Implemented The Haunted Sorority House

    5343 The Necbronomicon (used) usable display 1000 5343 862597561 necbronomicon.gif The Necbronomicon (used) # The Necbronomicon (used) For whatever reason, it didn't put up an override for the unused version when I refreshed my inventory before using it.
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    Currency Container

    I'd recommend converting over to using the coinmaster type, and doing a foreach over those, then adding in meat and hobo nickels. It seems like that would be much easier to me, plus you would be able to get dimes and quarters.
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    Can someone review my farming script and give me some tips on it?

    Unless I'm mistaken, cheapest uses the actual lowest price in the mall, just like the mallsearch cli command
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    \\ in ash converts to \ in regex, which means it needs escaped again to keep from matching a literal ), unless I'm misunderstanding something
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    KoLMafia Scripting Contest: Repair the Elves' Shield Generator

    As far as I know, slyz just got back from being out of town for a long while.
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    Feature - Implemented Remember where Teachings Of The Fist drop per ascension

    Not that it's a big deal, but it somewhat bothers me stylistically that these new preferences are the only ones that start with a capital letter by default
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    Bug - Not A Bug In FistCore at the Black Market, cannot fight Wu-Tang

    What about a woods.php override?
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    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    If you've done a wossname, neither of those zones are available. For that matter, one or the other is unavailable whatever you do.
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    Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia won't launch with Java 7

    Go back to java 1.6, java 1.7 has some major bugs.
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    Bug - Not A Bug evil eye is not multi-usable (error message from using chat command)

    Evil eyes are correctly marked as non-multi-usable. I think that message only showed up because of the chat response; maybe mafia shouldn't parse that response to check if it's correctly flagged?
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    Familiar Feeder

    The overflow seems to be when it's trying to get the value of "autoSatisfyWithStash"; specifically while it's checking if the key is a global property. Is there something different with autoSatisfyWithStash compared to other properties somehow?
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Divines are generally what's used, though baseballs or superduperballs work as well
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    Feature - Implemented wand-zap item in daily deeds

    You can go up by more than one per zap, for what it's worth.
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    Daily Deeds support

    Because it's using the %% notation to get arguments, it must be the only thing on the line to work.
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    Daily Deeds support

    Couldn't daily deeds assume that "" is 0 for int properties and false for boolean properties?
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    New Content - Implemented New Guild Challenges

    Here's for the sausage: Unknown item found: 11-inch knob sausage (5193, 214334936) -------------------- 5193 11-inch knob sausage none none 0 5193 214334936 bigsausage.gif 11-inch knob sausage # 11-inch knob sausage --------------------
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    Bug - Fixed Not tracking adventures used/not updating adventure results

    A debug log refers to typing "debug on" into the gCLI, doing whatever it takes to reproduce, then typing "debug off"
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    Mall Buying And consuming Script

    Or, more simply, a cli script with acquire 2 Milk of magnesium; use 2 Milk of magnesium; cheapest hi mein; acquire 3 it; eat 3 it; acquire 4 Vodka Stratocaster; drink 4 vodka stratocaster; should work.
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    Randomly switch tattoos

    Above line 21, add the line if( ntats < 2 ) exit; and it shouldn't throw that error anymore