KK, you can always look at your session logs in /kolmafia/sessions if you don't want to have to boot up mafia. I'm fairly sure I now know which error messages you're getting though.
Harvest is running EatDrink, then noticing that for some reason you're not as full as should be (that's odd, so we'll come back to that problem). As you noticed, manually filling your organs allows Harvest to pass that error as you're now as full as it expects you to be. When it gets on to bounty hunting one of the first things the script does is choose the bounty that will take the fewest turns to complete. Now, today's bounties are fernswathy's tower, the hippy camp, and the haunted wine cellar. The first of these you may well not have unlocked, the second of these may be unavailable depending on how you completed the war, and if you haven't completed the level 11 quest (which involves unlocking the haunted cellar) then you won't be able to do the third bounty either. I noticed that the in-game character cobalt60 is at level 12, so could you confirm if you are able to reach any of the locations I mentioned above? If you can't do any of the available bounties it's hardly surprising that Harvest is unable to find a bounty for you to do

. I should also point out that Harvest was written with aftercore characters in mind (ie: ones that have defeated the NS) so you may or may not have problems using the script in-run.
The error about not filling your organs is more interesting. How full are your organs when Harvest gives you that error? Do you have the option to do semi-rares ticked? When ED starts up it will give you some output about what it intends to do, I'd like to see the line that follow the form "Consuming up to X food, X booze, and X spleen" (it's the 4th or 5th line displayed after ED starts running).
EDIT: Regarding your concern about your CCS, I'd be surprised if that was the cause of your problem. The only reason it's even mentioned in the gCLI is that Harvest has what you might call a "clean abort" function in it (I borrowed that idea from the script that inspired me to write Harvest, NeoCowFarm.ash). Because there is the possibility that the script will encounter a situation that requires user intervention (e.g.: your organs aren't as full as they should be, or the script couldn't find a bounty for you to do) it needs to be able to abort to return control to the user so that they can fix the problem manually. Since the script knows it's going to abort it can tidy things up before it does so by putting some of the settings it changes back to the way they were before you ran Harvest (for example your mood and your CCS). The CCS that you posted looks fine to me, and as I said, the fact that it mentions your CCS before aborting is irrelevant.
Disclaimer: I've been wrong before and will be again, so if it turns out that your CCS was causing the problem after all I reserve the right to laugh at myself and make use of a comical emoticon ;-)