Recent content by ereinion

  1. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Custom combat disable for fully scripted KoLMafia users

    My ccs has one action which is "abort", which I think does nothing? Or is it something else you guys are looking for?
  2. ereinion

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    Ah, yes, that one I do have. Unfortunately it makes the text small enough to be kinda hard to read (getting old😬) as well as making it kinda hard to see where one element starts and the next one begins, so I think I'll just stick with the default theme. Thanks for all the help though :)
  3. ereinion

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    Yeah, some of the themes there does remove the bar of white in the equipment manager, when changing it away from OS default, though after having looked at a few of them I think I'll just learn to live with the equipment manager looking a bit cluttered... FlatLAF light isn't a choice in mine btw...
  4. ereinion

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    How do I do that? I don't think I've ever changed the look and feel before...
  5. ereinion

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    I just noticed today that there is great big piece of white under the gear manager (and above the Equipment / Customisable tabs), which I think has appeared there as a result of turning the settings mentioned here off. Is there any way to fix this if these settings are completely removed, or...
  6. ereinion

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    Yeah, no debug log on the date in question, and a quick look at the session log reveals nothing out of the ordinary there either. There is a logout-script, and looking at the script it checks what clan the character is in which I assume would trigger a login.
  7. ereinion

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    I think it is more likely that the logout occurred because the session timed out as Croft suggests, than because of rollover but I haven't looked at the code so either is possible :-p Either way, this isn't something which occurs very frequently for me, as I usually end my sessions before...
  8. ereinion

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    What information are you looking for? Mafia was left open over rollover, which I agree might have been part of the issue. I also noticed that before exiting, it logged back in, and I *think* it tried to run svn update and breakfast before exiting, but I wasn't paying very close attention.
  9. ereinion

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    Mafia does not exit as it would normally do using the "exit" command in the gcli, when not logged in / mafia is left open overnight. Instead I end up with a blank main pane and a chat window where I'm logged in (see screenshot below). I'm a bit uncertain if I was actually logged in to chat, or...
  10. ereinion

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Thanks for the reply :-) From what you're writing it does sound like combo will cover my needs as well, so I guess I may have a look at it and see if it will be a lot of work incorporating it in my scripts.
  11. ereinion

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Any chance you could update this to take advantage of the recent data dump regarding rare locations on the beach? I suppose I could just switch to the other script which was published, but I have already incorporated this one into a few of my own scripts, and would really appreciate it if it was...
  12. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed The maximizer ignores -tie?

    I was wondering if it might have to do with it checking against the left-handed man, in which case the disembodied hand wouldn't need the bludgeon? But even so using a bludgeon wouldn't improve the score over the bunker... Anyway, I can't seem to reproduce this today, so it may have something...
  13. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed The maximizer ignores -tie?

    I have 3 of the bludgeon, which makes it even weirder that it wants to unequip one in order to put it in the offhand. And I am just maximizing for one thing in the example posted?
  14. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed The maximizer ignores -tie?

    Thanks, however there still seems to be an issue in r26096. Current offhand is brimstone bludgeon btw.
  15. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed The maximizer ignores -tie?

    The maximizer suggests equipment changes, although they do not improve the maximizer score and I have "-tie" included in the maximizer-string. Not a big issue, as I'll have other modifiers included most of the time, but I think this shouldn't happen? I already have equipment in all the slots the...