OCD Inventory control

I have latest Build and just installed script from vpn

script wont allow me to save Stock List.

when i click on "New" the list gets created but when I save it, it gets deleted and nothing shows.

I get a red error in mafia saying my item list is corrupted or missing

Edit: the list shows in the 'data' folder, it is just not showed in browser
2nd edit: the script didnt stock items even if list is in folder
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New strange message appeared after my Ronin when I am executing OCD:
Changing "sewer nugget" to "sewer nuggets" would get rid of this message (OCD Inventory Control.ash, line 67)
I have 775 clusters of sewer nuggets.
Ok, trying to upgrade to the new version and am somehow not finding the new file. Can you dumb this down so I can figure it out, I feel like a retard here :( I have this: svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/ but am not sure this is what I should be trying to use.

You should check out the following page for more information about svn and mafia.

When you type the command "svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/" into the gCLI for the first time, mafia will install the scripts files into the correct directories. There's nothing left for you to do but use the awesome script you just installed. If you enable svn updates by following the instructions in the first post in the thread I linked, you don't even have to worry about ever downloading new updates as mafia will do that automagically for you. If you are the type of user that likes to edit the scripts you install (as I am) pay special attention to the second post in that thread.

With the hot dog stand, it would be nice to be able to set up contributions. The HTML for the contributions is
The whichdog is for which dog, obviously, but correlates to a specific item and uses a -xx from -xx_food. Quantity is how much, natch.
Here's the items and their dog number:
furry fur:-93
skeleton bone:-95
hot wad:-96
cold wad:-97
spooky wad:-98
stench wad:-99
sleaze wad:-100
gauze hammock:-101
GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine:-103

Now the optimal dog is number -102, but nobody's found what unlocks it yet, let alone what is needed for contribution. There are unconfirmed reports in the forums, but at the least, this could provide a placeholder. With proper hot dog stand support from mafia, it should be easy enough to tell which hot dogs are available for contribution. Thanks!
Huh. Hadn't thought of that. You're right. I'm not sure if I should add it before I see what support mafia is going to add, but you're definitely right that there should be a way for ocd to contribute to clan hot dogs.

Biggest problem is that you'd want to specify which clan to which you'd give your dog fixings. ('Cause of whitelists.) Or even if you'd want to give dog fixings to multiple clans...
To be honest, if you put that much thought in to it, you might as well do that for any clan stash options. And honestly, it'd be more trouble than it's worth.
To be honest, if you put that much thought in to it, you might as well do that for any clan stash options. And honestly, it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

It may be handy, but if it's a lot of work I'd just rather set them to keep all and manually fill the stand...if one of the clans I'm in gets one... ;)
To be honest, if you put that much thought in to it, you might as well do that for any clan stash options. And honestly, it'd be more trouble than it's worth.

Now you're talking me out of it. Perhaps Chef_Rannos has the right idea.
Unless you know some easy way to access all the whitelisted clans. Though now that I think about it, I remember a topmenu override that did just that. I can't remember which one it was for the life of me.

Let me get back to you. Maybe there is an easier way to build it in. I thought the only hard part was getting things coded for whitelisting as it was a pain in the ass to get my alt to go to another clan at the end of the day.

EDIT: OK, I found it. Dug through a lot of it and found this in bUMRATS. It's at line 3671. I'd post the code but... that felt a little like pulling BCC's pants down and saying "HEY LOOK!" I'd like to think I'm a little more civilized than that.
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Would it be too much of a bother to set this up so that it also sends all my meat on hand to my mall multi?
That meat does me no good locked up in Hangk's (and since I'm 99% Hardcore, I'll never be pulling it).
I suspect I'm not the only person who'd like this.
As per Veracity:

"Phial of hotness is now lotion of hotness, and so on for the other elemental phials".

Just change phial -> lotion to avoid an unknown object error.
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Was that intended as advice for a user of the script who might have gotten confused? It sounds like you're answering a question, but nobody asked a related question. Was that posted in the wrong thread?
I think he meant he found a problem and if people want to do something about it, here's how. At least, until OCD is updated.
Well, I think the problem is that if you have a data file with "phial of x" in it and use a new version of Mafia that no longer has that item you get an error so you may need to edit your OCD data-files to change phial to lotion. (That's at least what I did, not sure if OCD can do anything about it)
No, not the data file. Currently, mafia knows of no "phial of x" because they don't exist in mafia's database yet. They have been replaced by "lotion of x" which uses the same item ID number as well as the recipe for phials. Nobody knows how to make a phial yet.

Because the "phial of x" doesn't exist, mafia aborts when loading OCD.

The data file may cause issues also, but doesn't it just return $item[none] for an unknown item like that?
> ash $item[phial of hotness]

Bad item value: "phial of hotness" ()
Returned: void

> ash to_item("phial of hotness")

Returned: none
plural => nones
descid =>
image =>
levelreq => 0
quality =>
adventures =>
muscle =>
mysticality =>
moxie =>
fullness => 0
inebriety => 0
spleen => 0
notes =>
quest => false
gift => false
tradeable => false
discardable => false
combat => false
reusable => false
usable => false
multi => false
fancy => false
candy => false
bounty => none
bounty_count => 0
seller => none
buyer => none
name_length => 0
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Nobody knows how to make a phial yet.

This is incorrect. Steps to make a phial (solo):
1) adventure in Dreadsylvania until an elementaly aligned piece of equipment drops (I think all of them all aligned?). Don't expect to see reasonable amounts of those.
2) pulverize that item to get an "$ELEMENT cluster"
3) cook that cluster with a scrumwhateverious solution to get a phial of $ELEMENT (way of sauce, gand apparently gives only 1 potion even for saucerors)
This has been G-D knowledge since sunday.
I personally made (and sold) two phials that way.