New Content - Implemented phials -> lotions


Staff member
phial of hotness is now lotion of hotness, and so on for the other elemental phials.
The enchantments have been heavily nerfed.
I assume/expect that the lotions are no longer mutually exclusive.
Supposedly, there are replacements for the phials, with recipes that I do not know.

All the special support we have for phials in the Basement is now obsolete.

(And I, personally, have 300 of each lotion sitting in storage. Thanks, KoL, for personally costing me 500 scrumptious reagents and at least 5 chefs-in-the-box to get 1500 items that I will never, ever use, and have no chance of selling. F*** you very much.)


Staff member
I doubt any of that basement code or mutual exclusivity code is wasted. Update the value in ItemPool and items.txt, and the recipe in concoctions.txt once all of that is known, and everything else is probably identical to the previous handling.


Staff member
Revision 12347 changes the phials to lotions and adds the five new effects.
The presumed new phials/recipes/effects are not there yet.


Staff member
The new phials are already in the mall, so, we have the itemid for them. As of revision 12352, they are in items.txt and the constants for them in ItemPool - PHIAL_OF_HOTNESS, for example - have the correct item IDs. Hopefully, that will make the Basement decorator do the right thing, as Lost suggests.

Obviously, some people know the recipes, but I don't, yet, so they are not in concoctions.txt yet.