Active member
if ((i_a("dictionary") == 0 && is_not_yet(get_property("questL09Lol"), "finished")) && index_of(visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm"), "cross_chasm.gif") == -1) {
cli_execute("outfit swashbuckling getup");
cli_execute("buy 1 abridged dictionary");
print("BCC: Using the dictionary.", "purple");
//The below seems to exit the script on successful completion. I'm going to try capturing the output.
visit_url("forestvillage.php?action=screwquest&submit="Sure Thing."");
visit_url("forestvillage.php?action=screwquest&submit="Sure Thing."");
if(i_a("smut orc keepsake box") > 0)
use(item_amount($item[smut orc keepsake box]), $item[smut orc keepsake box]);
//Update Mafia's internal variable for the bridge
if (to_int(get_property("lastChasmReset")) != my_ascensions())
chasm = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm");
//Disassemble the bridge and use all parts we have
chasm = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm&action=bridge"+(to_int(get_property("chasmBridgeProgress"))));
Wait... we place the bridge? We never untinkered to create the bridge in the first place!