Bug - Fixed Ascending makes Mafia freeze


New member
Nearly every time I ascend into zombies Mafia freezes up. I'm not entirely sure it has been doing it since the beginning of the zombie path, but it has happened repeatedly.
I have the same problem, however, when i try to exit kolmafia, the chat pane still remains (plus it was frozen), I had to force close it from task manager.
I've seen this too, and I have no idea what the cause is. Has anyone ascended recently into a non-zombie run that could say whether there are problems when doing that?
I was fine my first couple zombie runs, then had three (I think freeze), then this last one was fine. I honestly couldn't tell for sure if it was mafia, but started getting suspicious by the third. One of those times, mafia failed to reset my level 12 sidequest progress, but the others were fine. For the record, I do believe I have Bale's newLife in use, but called by another script that should abort on zombie (and other unrecognized-to-it paths).
then this last one was fine
Really? That seems inconvenient (if the problem really is inconsistent).

For the record, I do believe I have Bale's newLife in use, but called by another script that should abort on zombie (and other unrecognized-to-it paths).
It isn't getting to the postAscensionScript part of ascending, at least for me.
I had this problem twice. Both times it died after getting barney's rake, but before newLife activated.

Previously, before this problem occurred I noticed that newLife was triggering twice in a row.
I just wanted to report that I never had this issue, even though I have been chaining HCZ runs recently. I run newLife too, btw.
I've also not had this trouble at all, and from what I can see newLife has been triggered just once. Well, it triggered and while it did its thing I clicked through learning new zombie skills...
Considering that the ascension sequence for Zombie Slayer is a choice adventure that you click on repeatedly until it finally exits, I wonder: do those of you for whom this fails have a choice.ash override in your relay folder?

It's never failed for me.
I do not have a choice.ash in my /relay.

I expect to ascend after rollover tonight. Shall I start a debug log before I start my next ascension, in case this happens again, or is there something else I should do?
I had lockups my first few ascensions and now I've done a dozen more without any. I have no clue why, but I don't run all of the stuff suspected here. It would happen when I ran my start of run CLI script. It's not automatically started, either. No choice overrides, etc.
Yeah, I keep meaning to start a debug log, and then remembering right after my new ascension starts... blech. Also, for the record I have a choice.ash.bak (Notepad++ made I believe) but no choice.ash.
I ascended, but instead of freezing up, I got a different error today:

Encounter: Dawn of the D'oh
You acquire an item: Barney's rake
You acquire an item: box of bear arms
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Loading character status...
You can now equip a frilly skirt (and possibly other things).
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
Retrieving quest data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Looking through your telescope...
Refreshing storage...
Examining meat in storage...
Examining consumables in storage...
Examining equipment in storage...
Examining miscellaneous items in storage...
Session data refreshed.
Pulling items from storage...
Visiting Crimbo Tree in clan VIP lounge
Bad item value: "book of pirate insults" (zlib.ash, line 554)
Visiting Doc Galaktik...

Visiting Doc Galaktik
Quest accepted.
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Legendary Beat
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Oscus' Soda
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Express Card
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Legendary Beat
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Oscus' Soda
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Express Card
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Legendary Beat
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Oscus' Soda
Daily Deeds error: unable to resolve item Express Card

The debug log is too large to attach, so I'm dividing it into two parts.

I had to quit mafia and restart it so that it would recognize book of pirate insults as a valid item value.


That looks like mafia got into a state where it would no longer parse partial item names, something I haven't seen in a long time.
I know Bale runs CHIT, and I think Lost runs his own charpane override. I don't have any, I wonder if Veracity and Winterbay do.