Feature - Implemented When unliving as a Zombie, automatically get the free daily clover from the Hermitage


When I log in, Mafia helpfully grabs a Drink Me potion and does it's tries on the deluxe crane machine, takes a dip to see what it finds in the pool, and harvests my garden. Since it does all those other free daily things, I keep forgetting to go to the Hermitage each day to grab the clover there. Can that get added to Mafia?

I'm coming from a Hardcore perspective; I don't know how this would apply to in-Ronin or out-of-Ronin.

(And yes, I realize I should eventually get around to setting up some sort of breakfast script. But this seemed to have some precedent going.)
My login script has been doing this for ages. I guess it would be good to be default behavior since mafia is supposed to get clovers automatically.
There already is a breakfast setting to get hermit clovers. You probably have it turned off because normally you don't want mafia to automatically spend that meat.
Correct. It already has that option. It's been collecting one free clover every day during my current Zombie Slayer run.
Since there's no cost to doing it during zombie runs, unlike during normal runs, should mafia automatically collect the clover regardless of the setting? There's no reason not to unless you really hate clovers...
I guarantee that somebody will not expect that to happen, will not notice that they have an extra clover, and will submit a bug report because they visited the Hermit in the Relay Browser and there was no clover available. Or, perhaps they will get bent out of shape because they didn't want KoLmafia to do anything without their explicit permission, damn it, regardless of how benign it seems.
Well, the clover is a ten-leaf, and I would expect that mafia would not disassemble it if I haven't set my preferences to do so; yet, I could see how someone could be upset upon getting an unexpected clover adventure if mafia automatically grabbed the clover and left it as-is. Long story short, I think weird cases like this are kind of difficult to reach a consensus on exactly how they should be automated; they are short-lived and outside of the "norm" after all. And personally, I feel that in any such case, automation should be at a minimum out-of-the-box and left to scripters. Just my 2% of a dollar. ;)
*sigh* I apologize; I thought I had looked at that. But yes, my "get hermit clovers" is unchecked within the In Ronin section.

I'll be over here writing "I will not lower Veracity's opinion of the general populace" 500 times on the chalkboard...
Oh, come on. I have a low opinion of the general populace of G-D, which has a high proportion of trolls, idiots, and dicks, but not of the general populace here.

I do have a low opinion of certain individuals here - resulting, in some cases, in their entry onto my ignore list - but that is based on their attitude and behavior, not on whether they happen to know about this or that KoLmafia feature.
H-yay! Veracity likes us after all! Or at least she says we're better than G-D which is kinda a low standard to live up to, but I'm still happy!